Ingame Name: Having random names.
Forum Name: You know it.
Serial: 8153FE02C9445C125DE7D9466D9714B2
Name of player you're complaining against: This kind of group that I put on the title, I am pretty sure Dinou made it.
What rule have they broken: You are not allowed to steal group names. Please be original and make something you can call your own.You need proof of being a founder of a group that you create here, that is on another server.Date/Time the rule was broken: How should I know?
Evidence of them breaking a rule: This kind of group that is called nTL was founded by a guy named StonePark from CIT, Dinou has been copying gang names since ages and he doesn't respect the fact that there are rules to this server so he does whatever the fuck he wants and doesn't respect anyone, probably he will never grow up. I have known this kind of group existing for ages now in CIT and
@JayXxX has been part of this group so he knows the rest of the information from nTL, I would like Jay to handle this report as he knows what to do. Obviously, Dinou didn't get a permission from this founder called StonePark so he still continues making groups without asking anyone.
P.S this guy just.... lol *massive hits himself on the head with a bottle and passes out*