
Author Topic: complaint - RxDracula[Crimson]  (Read 5728 times)

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complaint - RxDracula[Crimson]
« on: February 17, 2019, 12:26:51 pm »
Ingame Name:LCPL-Bryan*SWAT
Forum Name:fallenAngel

Name of player you're complaining against:RxDracula[Crimson]
What rule have they broken:ignores a request for abuse against a player who was abusing him because he is his friend (and it is the second time he does it)
we simply asked him to reconnect Huge and he ignored it, and he saw that I used the RPG in Huge (which was using the hp bug), since Huge used a bug not to have the RPG cowrown and Dracula simply ignored, I do not know why having a STAFF abuser on the STAFF team
Date/Time the rule was broken:in my country 17/02 (12h am and 1h pm)
Evidence of them breaking a rule:https://imgur.com/a/ek9Z7RK I just took the main part, but if you want, I can make SS of the whole chat for 1-2 hours of talk for you to see

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Re: complaint - RxDracula[Crimson]
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2019, 12:38:31 pm »
btw dracule had seen me while getting killed
you simply want to do anyshit to fuck up the server ,but no
(LS) LCPL-Bryan*SWAT: dracula reconnect the huge
(LS) LCPL-Bryan*SWAT: he have hp bugged
(LS) LCPL-Bryan*SWAT: or mptrol pls
(LS) MC'Strap[Crip]: do u have any proof?
(LS) MC'Strap[Crip]: he have bug?
(LS) LCPL-Bryan*SWAT: Strap
(LS) MC'Strap[Crip]: or just cuz he killed u?
(LS) [IGC]RxDracula|CrimSon: he took damage
(LS) LCPL-Bryan*SWAT: fuck you bb
(LS) MC'Strap[Crip]: how u killed him if he have bug?
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Re: complaint - RxDracula[Crimson]
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2019, 12:50:12 pm »
this isn't a staff complaint more like a player complaint. and Rx Didn't "abbose" to get his friend or so out of trouble he just should've handled it differently. Even though the screenshot on the /report shows nothing.


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