Suggestion:add a cooldown for criminals and gangsters (crim and cop) who have been shot recently, this will prevent criminals and gangsters from entering interiors with marks
Detailed explanation:There is a cooldown that does not allow criminals to enter the houses when they are recently shot, but this only works when you have the house icon, while the interiors that have marks do not have this, and unfortunately we have players like Twsited who live abusing it and influencing other criminals to do the same, and it destroys with IGC RP, so I suggest having a cooldown on those marks to prevent players from destroying the server with these toxic actions.
Remember, the problem is not a criminal hiding, the problem is a player entering and leaving an interior infinite times to avoid dying for a cop!!!
For those who don't know what "marks" I'm talking about: "marks" are those arrows that make you enter banks or random interiors.
Location of update ( location on map )all interiors with marks
Any Skins or Shaders needed for this update?:nah
Is there payment for this update? If so place the payout here:nah