Ingame Name: Potato_Lovah
Forum Name: Potato_Lovah
Name of player you're complaining against:Paurd
What rule have they broken:Scamming
Date/Time the rule was broken:idk
Evidence of them breaking a rule:"
This is a valid attempt of a scam, Paurd tried to sell me a Bullet with new tune package for 3.2M saying it was Old Tune. Clearly it was not since I compared it with another Bullet. 3.2M Is way above bullet's original price, even with speedpack on it.
1st - He offers me a deal for a bullet "old" tune for 3.2M
2nd - He tells me the price
3rd - Pablo warns me about him being a scammer
4th - I test the car, max speed is 287, wich is Bullet new tune, not old tune.
5th - I compare his bullet to my friend's new tune bullet, exactly the same handling, between 287 and 289kmph.
6th - When I was leaving after denying the deal politely, he then makes me a discount, lowering the price to 2M, wich is 1.2M cheaper, trying to make me buy a new tune car wich is a lot more expensive than default bullet with new tune package"
Proof: made by Potato_Lovah