
Author Topic: ATLAS | Rules & Internal statute [UNDER CONSTRUCTION]  (Read 3817 times)

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Offline NewYorkStar

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ATLAS | Rules & Internal statute [UNDER CONSTRUCTION]
« on: March 25, 2017, 03:20:53 pm »

1. Declarations and nomenclature

1.1 ATLAS Corporation is independent and global private military organisation that gathering groups and players.
1.2 ATLAS is a core group and an armed law branch of ATLAS Corporation, taking care of state security and overseeing incorporated groups and their members.
1.3 ATLAS Defense Systems is branch of ATLAS Corporation, adapted for weapons research and development.
1.4 CEO aka Chief Executive Officer or CMDR (Commander) is a leader and founder of the whole thing.
1.5 HQ Team (aka Division of Tactics and Logistics) is a group of leaders on highest level, handpicked by a founder, who shape and maintain whole group.
1.6 Executive Team is a group of middle level leaders, picked by vox populi in HQ Team.
1.7 Operation is an organised event participated by ATLAS members and hosted by actual leader, aimed to secure streets of San Andreas and fight openly the criminals. Includes, but is not limited to: driving around and arresting, participating in criminal events.
1.8 Training is an organised event participated by ATLAS members, purposed and aimed to improve skills of participants in controlled environment.

2. Rules of behavior for players and groups gathered in ATLAS Corporation

2.1 This article is addressed to every player hired in or related to ATLAS Corporation, it is:

       a ) Members of ATLAS

       b ) Members of ATLAS Defense Systems

2.2 IGC Server rules shall not be violated by members of groups belonging to ATLAS.
2.3 IGC Server rules and ATLAS rules shall not be violated while cooperating with players from other groups.
2.4 Account sharing, selling or leasing is not allowed.
2.5 Secondary accounts are not allowed.
2.6 All players gathered in groups of ATLAS must respect themselves and each other.
2.7 Maturity of behavior and language is advised to all of players related to ATLAS.
2.8 Being criminal is not allowed.

3. Rules of behavior and punishments for personnel hired in ATLAS.

3.1 Using any kind of hacking / cheating software (including, but not limited to: aimbots, triggerbots, wallhacks, lagswitches) is prohibited and even slightest suspicion of use will be punished by immediate kick from ATLAS and by adding punished individual to ATLAS Blacklist.
3.2 Betrayal by leaking / sharing / publicating private or vulnerable information / data is prohibited and will be punished by immediate kick from ATLAS and by adding punished individual to ATLAS and SOF Blacklist.
3.3 Disobeyal of orders given by Commanding or executive level leaders is prohibited and will be punished by instant demotion one rank down, and if punished individual is already lowest rank possible, high level staff member handling the case may decide about kicking individual.
3.4 Disloyalty by applying for membership of other groups without clear permission from HQ staffs will lead to instant kick from ATLAS. HQ staff member handling the case may decide about blacklisting individual.
3.5 Insulting, flaming, disrespecting or provoking other players in public chats (ingame) or public topics or shoutbox (forum) is prohibited, even in jokes, and will be punished in five stages, chosen individually by HQ staff handling the case, depending on severity of rulebreak and whether was the individual punished by staff or not:

       1 ) Verbal warning

       2 ) Warning added to Log of Punishments

       3 ) Physical punishment such as running or swimming

       4 ) Demotion one rank down with

       5 ) Kick from duty

3.6 Calling anyone "sir" or "bro" is not allowed and will be punished by 3 lap run around the ATLAS base.
3.7 Disrespecting Executive or HQ members is prohibited and will be punished by demotion one rank down, and if punished individual is already lowest rank possible, HQ member handling the case may decide about kicking individual.
3.8 Stealing arrests is prohibited and will be punished by demotion one rank down, and if punished individual is already lowest rank possible, HQ member handling the case may decide about kicking individual.
3.9 Slacking duty by not attending trainings / operations, pretending to be AFK, going AFK in middle of training / operation without permission from actual leader, having extremely bad results in training / operation will not be tolerated and will lead to verbal warning, and if proceeds - will be punished by demotion one rank down. If punished individual is already lowest rank possible, HQ member handling the case may decide about kicking individual.
3.10 Releasing arrested criminals is not allowed during trainings and operations, and will be punished by demotion one rank down, and if punished individual is already lowest rank possible, HQ member handling the case may decide about kicking individual.
3.11 Accepting money benefits (bribes) in return for releasing an arrested criminal is prohibited and will lead to kick from ATLAS.
3.12 It's allowed to accept bribe only in wanted level removal purposes, and only from members of ATLAS and whitelisted groups.

3.13 List of groups which members are allowed to "bribe" ATLAS members to remove wanted level:

-no such thing for now-

3.14 Accepting "bribes" from members of groups who are not on white list will result in demotion one rank down, and if punished individual is already lowest rank possible, HQ member handling the case may decide about kicking individual.
3.15 Leaving a training or operation is allowed only with permission from actual leader. Leaving a training or operation without such permission (including, but not limited to 'ragequitting') will be punished by demotion one rank down, and if punished individual is already lowest rank possible, HQ member handling the case may decide about kicking individual.
3.16 Making a false report for a ATLAS teammate (other member) will result in instant punishment that reported teammate would receive if report was valid (e.g. if you report teammate for accepting bribe from a criminal and he will prove that you lie, you will get punishment that he would get - in this case, a direct kick from the group).
3.17 Annoying IGC Server Staff will result first in verbal warning, then in demotion one rank down. If punished individual is already lowest rank possible, HQ member handling the case may decide about kicking individual.
3.18 Scamming other players is prohibited and will be punished by instant kick from ATLAS.
3.19 Annoying HQ Team is not allowed and will be punished physically by 10 lap run around ATLAS base.
3.20 Being retarded is not allowed and will be punished physically by 25 lap run around ATLAS base for every more or less retarded thing done (including, but not limited to: using too many emoticones / emojis, using "hhh" to laugh with more than 5x "h" letter, flooding, spamming, WrItInG lIkE tHaT, using capslock, talking in other languages than english during trainings / operations).
3.21 We, as ATLAS High Command, believe that religions are nothing good but a source of never ending problems, therefore it is strictly prohibited to talk public about religions, answer to provocations on religious background, chant religious phrases or quote holy books. Keep your religion for yourself, and for yourself only as long as you are in ATLAS. Disrespecting this rule will result in instant kick from ATLAS.
3.22 ATLAS, in its multi-national nature, is using english as main language, and therefore - using other languages than english in clanchat or during trainings/operations will be punished with a verbal warning first, then demotion one rank down.
3.23 Rules of gameplay (Article IV) shall be always followed and never violated. Continious ignoring article 4 will result in punishment chosen individually by HQ Team member, but not more harsh than a demotion and not less hash than physical punishment like running.
3.24 Rules of hosting trainings and operations (Article V) shall be always followed and never violated. Ignoring Article V will result first in verbal warning, then in demotion one rank down.
3.25 Rules of IGC Server are not obligatory to follow, it's up to you if you keep up with them or not, however punishments from Staff Team (including, but not limited to: jails, mutes, bans) will be punished individually by HQ Team.
3.26 Other actions who bring shame on us as ATLAS in public eyes will be handled individually after debate in HQ chat.
3.27 Using prohibited symbols in public chats (ingame) and public topics / shoutbox (forum) is not allowed and will lead to severe punishment chosen individually by HQ Team. It's including, but not limited to: swastikas, other nazi symbols and emblems, nazi shoutouts (e.g. "Heil Hitler").
3.28 Racism and religious discrimination is prohibited and will lead to severe punishments chosen individually by HQ Team.
3.29 ATLAS High Command reserves all rights to change, modify and update Statute at will, but only by vox populi after voting on changes in HQ Team chat.

4. Rules of gameplay in ATLAS

4.1 Don't play if your ping is higher than 400 - your lags will be only a problem for everyone around you. You will be excused from all trainings and operations until you fix your network, however prolonged lagging may lead to kick from the team.
4.2 Never rush alone - always stick with rest of the team and squad. You are not John Rambo and you have no chances alone.
4.3 Pay attention to group / party chat 24/7 and follow orders that you receive from actual leader.
4.4 Don't unglue from vehicle you're driving on during training/operation, unless:

       1 ) You see an RPG or a grenade coming your way and the driver is not trying to dodge it

       2 ) You see that driver is dead

       3 ) You get a clear order from actual leader to unglue

4.5 Try to attend Bank, Raids and other criminal events as often as you can, however it's not a must unless actual leader gives you an order to join it.
4.6 Attending Criminal Events is not a must, unless actual leader gives you an order to join it.
4.7 Don't ragequit - ask your leader for a break if you're being bad in training/operation, but don't give up.
4.8 Attending trainings and operations is a must if you are online.
4.9 If a training / operation that you attend was boring or useless, actual leader was going suddenly afk or was slacking or misbehaving, report it in private message to HQ Team member as soon as possible.
4.10 If you spot a teammate rulebreaking, report it to HQ Team as soon as possible. Covering teammates who break rules will result in receiving same punishment as they once they get convicted.
4.11 It is a must to use ATLAS Operator job for PVT+ members. Police job is allowed only for RCT members.
4.12 In case of any misbehaviors of non-ATLAS players inside ATLAS bases, actual leader is allowed to call staff member to bring the visitor to the order.
4.13 Further use of bases by other groups is specified by Cooperation and Teamwork Contracts with specific groups.

5. Rules of hosting trainings/operations in ATLAS

5.1 Training should take more than 30, but less than 60 minutes (0,5 - 1 hour).
5.2 Operation should take more than 30, but less than 120 minutes (0,5 - 2 hours).
5.3 To host a training or operation, you must be at least classified as Lieutenant (LT).
5.4 Make sure your trainings and operations are useful, creative and entertaining for participants.
5.5 Making boring and useless operations / trainings will cost you your rank if some of members report you for that.
5.6 Make sure that participants stand in a perfect line in beginning and end of training.
5.7 Always report your trainings, as you cannot be promoted higher than (insert high rank here) (tag) without at least 15 training/operation reports. Laziness backfires at this point.
5.8 Never order anyone to break IGC Server Rules or Rules of ATLAS Corporation.
5.9 Never order anyone to call you "sir". We are all equal in names.
5.10 Always treat participants with respect and culture - don't call them names, don't go afk in middle of hosted event, don't be rude or unprofessional.
5.11 You can host max 1 training and 1 operation per day.
5.12 If someone hosted a training or operation before you, you must wait at least 30 minutes before hosting your training or operation (30 minutes break between any kind of operations / trainings must be kept and respected).

6. Rank list rank list and duties of ATLAS Corporation


       1 ) RCT - Recruit

       2 ) PVT - Private | Paramedic / Aircraft Engineer / Technician / Driver

       3 ) SPC - Specialist | Paramedic (A+) / Pilot (A+) / Gunnery Instructor / Control Tower Operator


       4 ) CPL - Corporal - Fireteam leader

       5 ) SGT - Sergeant - Squad leader

       6 ) SSGT - Staff Sergeant - Deputy Platoon Commander


       7 ) 1LT - First Lieutenant - Platoon commander

       7 ) 2LT - Second Lieutenant - Platoon commander, Deputy company commander.

       [HQ TEAM]

       9 ) CPT - Captain - Commander of the company, Commander of the training platoon.

       10 ) MJR - Major - Deputy Division Commander, Commander of the training company

       11 ) COL - Colonel - Commander of the Division, Deputy regiment commander

       12 ) GEN - General - Commander of the regiment


       13 ) EO - Executive officer (Co-founder)

       14 ) CMDR - Commander (Founder)

« Last Edit: September 11, 2018, 04:53:42 am by NewYorkStar »


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