
Author Topic: Lenny Face | Roster  (Read 5975 times)

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Offline Adeeb

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  • *****
Lenny Face | Roster
« on: January 25, 2017, 04:14:53 am »

(ID 1) - Founder
(ID 2) - Able to do anything related to the group; full authority
(ID 3) - Group member of the month (This is awarded to people who have done something special related to the group)
(ID 4) - A warned member of the group
(ID 5) - Recruitment manager
(ID 6) - (Icon not defined)
(ID 7) - Inactive and uninformed
(ID 8) - Inactive and informed
(ID 9) - 150 hours played on the server
(ID 10) - Locked, can't be promoted, demoted, or warned until further notice
(ID 11) - 300 hours played on the server
(ID 12) - Complaint manager
(ID 13) - Leadership, has higher privileges and helps manage the group
(ID 14) - Blacklist Manager

Founder ( ?° ?? ?°)

Vice Founder ( ?° ?? ?°)

King ( ?° ?? ?°)

Chief ( ?° ?? ?°)

Experienced ( ?° ?? ?°)

Trusted ( ?° ?? ?°)

bae and gae




Regular ( ?° ?? ?°)

Trial ( ?° ?? ?°)

Spoiler: Blacklist • show
Here you will find blacklisted players, they are not able to join again until the blacklist is either removed or the duration has expired. You may also pay a certain fee to have the blacklist removed.
For those wanting to pay a blacklist fee, contact a Blacklist Manager via forum PM or in-game.
Account name:
Start Date:
End Date:
Blacklist can be taken off with money:
Blacklist price:

Spoiler: Rules • show
1. Flaming group members or other players is not allowed, treat everyone with respect.
2. Do not request ranks, you will earn it if you work hard and deserve it.
3. Any occupation is allowed, but we insist you play criminal.
4. Leaving the group before being in it for at least one week will get you blacklisted.
5. Follow all forum and server rules, being punished for breaking one of these rules will have you warned in the group depending on the severity.
6. You are not forced to use the group tag but we insist that you use it.
7. Applying for another group while applying for Lenny Face will have you denied.
8. Abuse of privileges will result in a heavy warning or a kick depending on the severity.
9. Going inactive for 2 weeks without an inactivity report will have you get you a inactivity warning (Inactive and uninformed).   Going inactive for 4 weeks will have you kicked.
10. Do not kill or arrest a group member without their permission. (Events, and CnR events do not count)
11. Reaching 100% warning level will have you kicked.

Spoiler: Changelog • show
Group created. (Flak, 11/17/2016)
Added Adeeb and Dickelz as founders. (Flak, 11/19/2016)
Updated some text on the homepage and added flags to each member's name. (Flak, 12/2/2016)
Removed a few badges because they were useless. (Flak, 12/13/2016)
Added External, Sexy, and LovedHen04 to the roster. (Flak, 12/19/2016)
Added KillerOz and Dylan to the roster. (12/20/2016)
Arranged the roster differently and added rank details. (Flak, 12/21/2016)
Added KerimChan as Trial ( ?° ?? ?°). (12/22/2016)
Removed Dylan from the list. Added Om and Ron as Trial ( ?° ?? ?°). (12/31/2016)
Add inactivity warning to LovedHen04. (12/31/2016)
Added Massive, Panos, NixaFTW, Aayush, and Aragon to the roster. (1/10/2017)
Changed Om rank to Trusted (25/01/2017)
Removed LovedHen04 since he was inactive. (1/25/2017)
Added StefanM as Trial ( ?° ?? ?°). (1/30/2017)
External demoted to Experienced ( ?° ?? ?°) cus he a fgt. (2/7/2017)
Added Morocco as Trial ( ?° ?? ?°). (2/7/2017)

Spoiler: Not added to the roster? Please use the following format. • show

Your in-game name (No tags please):
Your account name:
Spoiler: Has your rank changed because of a demotion or promotion? Please use this format. • show

My account name:
Your new rank:
Member who gave you this rank:

Spoiler: Need an icon? Please use this format. • show

Icon you are requesting (ID):
Proof (if needed):

Spoiler: Name changed? Use the following format please. • show

Your in-game account name:
Your in-game name:
Your new name:

Spoiler: Going inactive? Please use this format. • show

Start date of inactivity:
End date of inactivity:
Will you be semi-active? (In-game sometimes):
Reason for going inactive:

Spoiler: We take members breaking our group rules and the server rules very seriously, if you witness a member doing so, please complaint them with this format. (Note to group members: Please do not complaint a group member here, instead bring it to a complaint manager in the group via forum pm or in-game) • show

Member you have a complaint for:
Explain in detail what happened:
Proof of what happened:
Is there anything else we need to know?:
« Last Edit: June 23, 2017, 12:24:03 pm by RoNeX »
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


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