Uh lets see GTi was created last year? I dunno if the project was created in year 2014 or 2015.
GTi had a good player base when it was still starting out but eventually it dropped because players lost interest or just a scumbag.
So whats special about GTi? It had unique interiors one that doesnt require you to teleport and lag, it also had a realistic way of judging players wrong actions. GTi was purely a government type where certain people can only have rights at this certain area like Devs managing scripts Staff team managing players, architect managing maps, they werent allowed to meddle others job.
GTi had supreme court where you can actually impeach someone from the government if he's trying to abuse something.. I noticed that people at the government kept fighting and arguing there wouldn't be a day without a single case being filed to someone...
Uhh right I think i remembered what made players lost interest in GTi.. Before it was going to be release there was an open beta the devs released the password dunno if it was called open or closed beta xdd yeah server peak was 100/100 you could barely join the server, due to players becoming impatient about the beta the government was forced to move the open beta on a more earlier date and because of that a lot of bugs was to be expected like LilDolla's Gun shop bug lol, eh players was stupid for complaining about experiencing a lot of bugs while it was to be expected lol.
Lets talk about the GUi. Yep GUis thats the thing that made me fell for GTi its reallyyy pretty imo and lets not forget the rental kiosk the object used was a floppy disked, because the floppy disk object was underrated I found it fascinating i never would have thought it existed... Oh also jobs were also unique, i liked the way how they made the iron miner u actually need to move around with that one..
Ohk moving on blah blah blah GTi had its good run, dramas were slowly going away because the founders were also going away because of an arguement ... Devs were becoming inactive and some left too Server was becoming crowded by non english speaking english people, there wqs nobpoint on muting them because even if you warned them they can only understand english a bit..
Oh yeah lez proceed to Proster drama lmao this one is the one that i couldnt forget, server was on prosters control thanks to lildolla
Proster played the god there messing with nathan hhh and everyonee lmao i think it took an hour to control the situation and yes most of the lenny facr were banned.
I can never forget skywalker a good mentor ;P he keep scolding me because i keep doing the wrong calls of a staff good guy m8.
Dundundun several months later GTi was dying there were players but not donations so it eventually died and some players tried recreating it because back then GTi scripts were sold(?) or on the community resources crap i dunno, nathan messed with em lmao he owned em..
Uhm so yeah thats like a short history of GTi and some few details oh btw im not so sure about why the government people were fighting lol they have their reasons anyway.