Screenshot of all pages of stats (use /stats and then upload it using[/color] of criminal level: of play time in "Tab":
1.1 Why do you want to join us? (Minimum 50 words) i was here since 2017 and i've a good fighting way + english skills ... an old leader for many groups i mean not a rules breaker instead of i'll be active and i've some friends in nexus
1.2 Why should we accept you? i've a good fighting skills u can test me in duel now
1.3 What will you give us if you join? experience, some money while playing
2.1 Tell us about your self in 100 words: i'm Egyptian, live in Cairo..travalling every week have a friends from igc in real life, able to speak english and arabic.. this is my personal information, thnx
2.2 Why did you choose the criminal side: i choose it when i started playing igc in 27 march 2017 then i found it funny
2.3 What're your previous groups, why did you leave them and why did you choose to join Nexus Squad? hysteria, nexus, cashout, ballas, swp, i didnt leave them, they all gone xD
3.1 I agree that I will not cheat and I will play fairly agree
3.2 I agree that I will obey my leaders agree
3.3 I agree that I will not leave the group within 2 weeks agree
3.4 I agree that I will be honest and I won't lie to my leaders agree