
Author Topic: Recently Updated Rules [MUST READ]  (Read 3435 times)

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Offline Joanna

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Recently Updated Rules [MUST READ]
« on: February 27, 2017, 03:45:13 pm »
Server Rules

* Server laws are global rules that must be followed everywhere

#1 Do not disrespect, discriminate or show any offensive behavior towards anyone.
Flaming, racism, trying to make fun of someone are examples of the behavior that is not tolerated here. This rule also contains scamming, scamming a player will result in a ban which can not be appealed.

#2 Do not attack our server infrastructure.
Deliberately doing things that you know will do harm to or crash our server, forum, irc, TeamSpeak, MTA server or otherwise will result in a permanent ban which cannot be appealed.

#3 Do not advertise anything that has no relation to IGC.
Advertising of IGC related things can be done in /trade .

#4 Do not spam or flood in any chat except friends chat.
Avoid spamming or flooding in public channels, doing this will result in a (global) mute.

#5 When a administrator (recognisable with [IGC] tags) asks you to do something, then do so. Ignoring will immediately result in a punishment.
If you think it's not right or fair what the staff did/told you to do, you can always make a Staff Complaint against the staff member.

#6 Do not misuse any chat. You are not funny by doing this and misusing will result in a global mute. Exceptions could be made for new players.
We consider saying irrelevant, unneeded things in channels that aren't made for that. A good example is the support channel, do not use this to socialize with players, use it when you have a question. You will get a warning first depending on how many times you've done it. Going on results in a (global) mute.

#7 Do not deathmatch people or damage their vehicles.
Generally, it's not a good idea to hit or shoot at anyone unless you know that they'll be fine with it (unless it's part of the gamemode)
Cops shooting at armed criminals and wanted criminals shooting at cops is not deathmatching.
Rival gangs killing each other is not deathmatching.
Helping out friends or fellow group members in gunfights is not deathmatching.
Randomly crashing into other's vehicles repeatedly and on purpose is not allowed.
Randomly punching/damaging someone's vehicle repeatedly is not allowed.

#8 Impersonation isn't allowed.
Impersonation is using a tag that you aren't allowed to use or using a name that belongs to someone else.

Forum Rules

* Above mentioned rules also count on the forum

#1 All posts made on the forum must be in English.
The exception is the "IGC in Other Languages" section of the forum, where posts can be made in that language's subboard.

#2 Each board has its own rules that must be followed.
Look for a pinned topic in the boards you are posting in for the rules of that board, besides that you should always follow the server rules.

#3 Post topics in the correct board
Depending on the content of the topic and/or how long you're active on the forum this might result in a forum warning and/or movement of the topic.

#4 If the ideas or content of a post is not yours, credit the original author.
If the person you are copying doesn't want their content to be copied, the post you made will be taken down.
If you are copying things from other servers' forums, you must be the original author or have clear written permission from the original author. Otherwise, it will be taken down.

#5 Do not spam someone's PM inbox.
Doing this might result in a forum warning if the person you're sending it to report you. Any other rule counts in forum PM aswell, this doesn't mean you can send everything to whoever you want.

#6 Do not share any content which is strictly against the law.
Includes, pornographic content, illegal websites, drugsdealing and weapons.
This doesn't mean you can not talk about a weapon or drug anymore, but giving someone any advice of where to buy what isn't allowed.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2017, 09:18:22 pm by Joanna »
Just live your life the way you want it, if you somehow made the wrong decision all you will get is life experience if it didn\'t kill you. And life experience is the best way of learning, it\'s practical learning, not theoretical. See things in a good way. We all regret things sometimes, but it means we learned from \"practical learning\", life experience. It makes the chance of making the same mistake lower. We can\'t change the past, but we can lead the future.

Offline Joanna

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Re: Recently Updated Rules [MUST READ]
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2017, 03:49:49 pm »
Rules are rules and they count for everyone. If you think they do not count for you or you try to be funny then face the consequences. Exceptions are being made in some cases.
Just live your life the way you want it, if you somehow made the wrong decision all you will get is life experience if it didn\'t kill you. And life experience is the best way of learning, it\'s practical learning, not theoretical. See things in a good way. We all regret things sometimes, but it means we learned from \"practical learning\", life experience. It makes the chance of making the same mistake lower. We can\'t change the past, but we can lead the future.


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