
Author Topic: Lenny Face | Homepage / Rank Info  (Read 5737 times)

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Lenny Face | Homepage / Rank Info
« on: January 25, 2017, 04:19:26 am »

Welcome to our homepage.
We also have a Steam group, don't forget to check it out: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/LennyWar
If you'd like to join our Discord server, ask Emile#0902, Flak#2399, Nickelz#4633, or AdeebG#9189 to join.
The application center is currently open.
Group Information
Official RGB: 132 216 244
Motto: ( ?° ?? ?°)

Rank Information
Vice Founder( ?° ?? ?°)
Full authority of the group.

King ( ?° ?? ?°)
-Invite a member
-Kick a member
-Modify Group Info
-Promote/demote members
-Modify in game application format
-View group history
-View pending applications
-Modify automatic tagging system
-Moderate group chat
-Change group color
-Change vehicle group color
-Deposit money into the group bank
-Add/remove group reminders
-Toggle group friendly fire
-Toggle group blips

Chief ( ?° ?? ?°)
-Invite a member
-Kick a member
-Modify group info
-Promote/demote members
-View group history
-View pending applications
-Modify automatic tagging system
-Moderate group chat
-Deposit money into the group bank
-Add/remove group reminders

Experienced ( ?° ?? ?°)
-Invite a member
-Kick a member
-Modify group info
-View group history
-Deposit money into the group bank
-Add/remove group reminders

Trusted ( ?° ?? ?°)
-Invite a member
-Kick a member
-View pending group applications
-Deposit money into the group bank
-View group history

Regular ( ?° ?? ?°)
-Deposit money into the group bank

Trial ( ?° ?? ?°)
-Trial members of the group; no privileges.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2017, 03:25:11 am by RoNeX »
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


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