
Author Topic: Old Application Center [Closed]  (Read 42572 times)

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Offline Joanna

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Old Application Center [Closed]
« on: February 01, 2017, 02:30:02 pm »
Name: Joanna
Age: 17
Nationality: Dutch
In-game name: Joanna
Account name: Joanna
MTA Serial: F5D866AC3FDFF88B1D36B34E85FBA754

Tell us something about your real life(minimum 30 words): Uhh, i'm a 17 year old female. I love to play games, reading and being active in general. Beside that i love doing research on things i like, which i do basically every day just to get more knowledge. I'd describe my personality as happy, positive, friendly and helpful.
Why do you want to join Crips?(minimum 30 words): It's one of the known criminal groups, i have friends in here and i love the criminal life, so joining a criminal group is a must for me. Not only that, but this group also seems to be very active, which also sounds interesting to me, cause that means i can always find a group mate to do criminal activities with.
Your former groups, ranks and reason why you left: N/A

Your In-game /stats(link only): Click
Your criminal level(link only(NOT REQUIRED FOR NOW)):

I agree that i read all Kilo Tray Crips rules and am gonna respect them(Y/N): Yes
I agree that all what i write is written by my Cousin(Y/N): No
I agree that i will be blacklisted if i leave within one month(Y/N): Yes
I agree that i will troll everyone in this group(Y/N): No
I agree that i didn't used translator in this application(Y/N): Yes

« Last Edit: May 02, 2018, 10:44:48 am by Kingpool »
Just live your life the way you want it, if you somehow made the wrong decision all you will get is life experience if it didn\'t kill you. And life experience is the best way of learning, it\'s practical learning, not theoretical. See things in a good way. We all regret things sometimes, but it means we learned from \"practical learning\", life experience. It makes the chance of making the same mistake lower. We can\'t change the past, but we can lead the future.

Kilo Tray Crip - Application Center[OPEN]
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2017, 08:39:29 am »

1. Respect everyone in this community.
2. Respect group mates and your leaders.
3. Execute all leader orders.
4. Do not work as a cop!
5. Respect all IGC rules.
6. Do not ask for promotion.
7. Do not ask for money.
8. Do not kill your group mates unless they are asking you to do it.
9. English only in groupchat.

1. Must speak understandable English.
2. Must not be in any group when applying.
3. Must not be known for bad behavior.
4. If you delete your application after submitting, you will be blacklisted in KTC.
5. Do not edit your Application after applying you will be be Denied immediately.
6. Always tell the truth in your Application.                               
7. Wrong format is unacceptable, if you leave any field blank you will be denied immediately.
8. You should have minimum 20 hours of playtime
9.  Do not delete your application or you will be BLACKLISTED
10. You need to wait 3 days if you want to apply again after being denied.

Code: [Select]

[b][color=blue][size=14]1. IN REAL LIFE INFORMATIONS[/size][/color][/b]

[b][color=blue]1.1[/color] Your real life name:[/b]
[b][color=blue]1.2[/color] Age:
[/b][b][color=blue]1.3[/color] Gender:[/b]
[b][color=blue]1.4[/color] Nationality:[/b]
[b][color=blue]1.5[/color] Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words):[/b]

[size=14][color=blue][b]2. IN GAME INFORMATION[/b][/color][/size]

[b][color=blue]2.1[/color] Your In-game name:[/b]
[b][color=blue]2.2[/color] Your account name:[/b]
[b][color=blue]2.3[/color] Serial (F8 - serial):[/b]
[b][color=blue]2.4[/color] Your previous groups:[/b]
[b][color=blue]2.5[/color] Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):[/b]
[b][color=blue]2.6[/color] Stats (only link):[/b]

[size=14][color=blue][b]3. Why do you want to join us?[/b][/color][/size]

[b][color=blue]3.1[/color] Why do you want to join us?(minimum 30 words)[/b]
[b][color=blue]3.2[/color] Why should we accept you?(minimum 20 words)[/b]

[size=14][color=blue][b]4. Agreement[/b][/color] [/size]

[b][color=blue]4.1[/color] I will troll and spam Crips members?(Y/N)[/b]
[b][color=blue]4.2[/color] I will leave Crips after 2 weeks.(Y/N)[/b]
[b][color=blue]4.3[/color] Everything i wrote here wasn't written by me.(Y/N)[/b]
[b][color=blue]4.4[/color] I agree that i will execute all leader's orders.(Y/N)[/b]

Only for application managers.

Accepting format:

Code: [Select]
Dear @(name of applicant)
Your application for [b][color=blue]Kilo Tray Crips[[/color]/b] is [b][size=14][color=green][shadow=red,left]ACCEPTED[/shadow][/color] [/size][/b]
-Ask any OG+ for IG invite.
-At the moment you entered the group request yourself at ranks and roster.
Congrats and have fun!

Pending format:
Code: [Select]
Dear@(applicant name)
Your application for [b][color=blue]Kilo Tray Crips[/color][/b] is set to [b][size=small][font=Monaco, Consolas, Courier, monospace][color=orange][shadow=red,left]Pending[/shadow][/color][/font][/size][/b] on following reasons:

Deny format:
Code: [Select]
Dear@(applicant name)
Your application for Kilo Tray Crips is [b][color=red][shadow=red,left][size=14]DENIED[/size][/shadow][/color][/b] on following reasons:
« Last Edit: July 12, 2017, 05:55:51 am by Kingpool »

Offline NizwaFTW

  • SaddamHussien
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Re: Kilo Tray Crip - Application
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2017, 08:51:21 am »
Leaving this here so it shows up in my replies

Re: Kilo Tray Crip - Application
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2017, 07:32:36 pm »
Quote from: 'Dylan link' dateline='1485466687'
Name: Gershawn
Age: 15
Nationality: St. Lucian
In-game name: Dylan
Account name: Rhino758
MTA Serial: FDD2D101D6BC03E82D94EB4430606042

Tell us something about your real life(minimum 30 words): When i trust people i give out info. Dont ask me about myself until im either trusted among KTC or when i trust you.  You dont have to read this part because im typing this just to fill in until i reach or exceed the minimum
Why do you want to join Crips?(minimum 30 words): Well one of my friends are here (Jericho) and i was originally here(invited by Haze). Now im coming back because i know what i want and i want to be a Crip.
Your former groups, ranks and reason why you left: I wouldnt say im a group hopper but right now im trying out the criminal and the cop side so i was Recruit in SOG and originally the lowest rank in KTC but right now im pretty sure im about that criminal life

Your In-game /stats(link only(NOT REQUIRED FOR NOW)):
Your criminal level(link only(NOT REQUIRED FOR NOW)):

I agree that i read all Kilo Tray Crips rules and am gonna respect them(Y/N): Yes
I agree that all what i write is written by my Cousin(Y/N): Hell, No
I agree that i will be blacklisted if i leave within one month(Y/N): Yes
I agree that i will troll everyone in this group(Y/N): Most likely no
I agree that i didn't used translator in this application(Y/N): Why would i use that? I'm a english nigga

Your application has been ACCEPTED

Offline Ilija Stanojevic

  • Group: Kilo Tray Crips
Re: Kilo Tray Crip - Application
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2017, 09:21:59 am »
In-game name:IlijaStanojevic
Account name:Ilija Stanojevic
MTA Serial:443177BB049B23D5E3E3AA2474809282

Tell us something about your real life(minimum 30 words):I live in Serbia I live with my mother,father and Brother. My sister left us. Im 13 years old I love playing video games. I play about 2hrs a day and i really like GTA SA. My grandfather and grandmother are still alive. My dad loves sciency stuff. My mom works in a marketplace.
Why do you want to join Crips?(minimum 30 words):My best friend is in Crips and he told me he really likes it and i really love him like my bro. He was giving me world tour and i saw all the things that are there so i really wanna join Crips
Your former groups, ranks and reason why you left:I've never been in a group before

Your In-game /stats(link only(NOT REQUIRED FOR NOW)):
Your criminal level(link only(NOT REQUIRED FOR NOW)):

I agree that i read all Kilo Tray Crips rules and am gonna respect them(Y/N):Yes
I agree that all what i write is written by my Cousin(Y/N):No
I agree that i will be blacklisted if i leave within one month(Y/N):Yes
I agree that i will troll everyone in this group(Y/N):No
I agree that i didn't used translator in this application(Y/N):Yes

Offline nixaserbia

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Re: Kilo Tray Crip - Application
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2017, 09:52:47 am »
@Ilija Stanojevic
Your application for Crips is ACCEPTED
- Ask any OG+ for invitation
- Do not put tags before u'll get invite
- Be sure you read all rules again


Ex-Yu Translator
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Offline nixaserbia

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Re: Kilo Tray Crip - Application Center
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2017, 02:33:55 pm »
Dead @Joanna
Your application for Kilo Tray Crips is: ACCEPTED
Do not put tags before you get invited
Ask any OG+ for invite
Welcome to the family


Ex-Yu Translator
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Offline nixaserbia

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Re: Kilo Tray Crip - Application Center
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2017, 12:28:41 pm »
Dead @kreks
Your application for Kilo Tray Crips is DENIED
You are Dennied for next reasons:
  • Poor application
  • You didn't put effort in information questions where was minimum 30 words, next time put effort in your application
You can apply again after 3 days, Good Luck!


Ex-Yu Translator
Junior Community Member
Lieutenant Police Chief 
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Re: Kilo Tray Crip - Application Center
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2017, 05:38:22 am »
In-game name:kreks
Account name:kreks
MTA Serial:302E2C4FBEF1370F53CF2AFD9E4D46B2

Tell us something about your real life(minimum 30 words):Hi my name is kreks.I am 12 years old.i like footall and video games.I am a boy.I have mom and dad.I am a big fan of GTA.My favourite GTa games are GTA San Andreas and GTA V.
Why do you want to join Crips?(minimum 30 words):I wanna join to the Kilo Tray Crips because i like criminal activity.I really like to play with gang members or like that.One of my  GTA friend told me that i can join in this gang.
Your former groups, ranks and reason why you left:I am never been in a gang before.I am bretty sure thats criminal life is for me in GTA San Andreas.Criminal side is my favorite mode in this server.I am ready to be in a criminal gang.

Your In-game /stats(link only):http://http://imgur.com/a/E04C6
Your criminal level(link only(NOT REQUIRED FOR NOW)):

I agree that i read all Kilo Tray Crips rules and am gonna respect them(Y/N):Yes
I agree that all what i write is written by my Cousin(Y/N):NO
I agree that i will be blacklisted if i leave within one month(Y/N):Yes
I agree that i will troll everyone in this group(Y/N):NEVER
I agree that i didn't used translator in this application(Y/N):Yes

« Last Edit: February 04, 2017, 05:48:31 am by kreks »

Offline nixaserbia

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Re: Kilo Tray Crip - Application Center
« Reply #9 on: February 04, 2017, 05:52:45 am »
Dear @kreks
Your application for Kilo Tray Crips is Denied

On following reasons:
  • You deleted all your posts at 1st February after your past application got dennied


Ex-Yu Translator
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Re: Kilo Tray Crip - Application Center[OPEN]
« Reply #10 on: February 08, 2017, 04:21:21 pm »


1.1Your real life name: Sebastian Torres
1.3Gender: male
1.4Nationality: Ecuador
1.5Tell us something about yourself(minimum 50 words):
My name is Sebastian Torres i have 20 years old i study in the military university in Ecuador i like to listen any kind of music play the guitar and play soccer it my favorite sport i like to play videogame and drink beer i have a girlfriend and also a black dog :v actually im living alone and i like to be very funny :v

2.1Your In-game name: SnorlaxX
2.2Your account name: darkceb
2.4Your previous groups: TriForce
2.5Tell us something about your IGC life(minimum 30 words): well i play IGC cause id like the system of this sv and i like the player i started to play IGC cause is the new versioon of GTI and i like the server im a good player and i like to turf and kill cops a lot hahah
2.6Stats(only link):http://imgur.com/a/cWTAz

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1Why do you want to join us?(minimum 30 words) cause its an active group and i like that and i want to turf with pros also im gonna agree with all and follow the orders that the fouder give me adn cause i want to be in a pro group
3.2Why should we accept you?(minimum 20 words) cause im gonna help with all fllow the rules and imi a good player i can help with turf and also im active in the sv

4. Agreement

4.1Will you troll and spam Crips members?(Y/N) NO
4.2I agree that i will left you after 2 weeks.(Y/N) NO
4.3Everything i wrote here it wasn't by me.(Y/N) NO
4.4I agree that i will execute all leader orders.(Y/N) Yes

:arrow: Cyannide :exclamation:


Offline NizwaFTW

  • SaddamHussien
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Re: Kilo Tray Crip - Application Center[OPEN]
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2017, 04:35:22 pm »
Quote from: 'SnorlaxX link' dateline='1486588881'


1.1Your real life name: Sebastian Torres
1.3Gender: male
1.4Nationality: Ecuador
1.5Tell us something about yourself(minimum 50 words):
My name is Sebastian Torres i have 20 years old i study in the military university in Ecuador i like to listen any kind of music play the guitar and play soccer it my favorite sport i like to play videogame and drink beer i have a girlfriend and also a black dog :v actually im living alone and i like to be very funny :v

2.1Your In-game name: SnorlaxX
2.2Your account name: darkceb
2.4Your previous groups: TriForce
2.5Tell us something about your IGC life(minimum 30 words): well i play IGC cause id like the system of this sv and i like the player i started to play IGC cause is the new versioon of GTI and i like the server im a good player and i like to turf and kill cops a lot hahah
2.6Stats(only link):http://imgur.com/a/cWTAz

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1Why do you want to join us?(minimum 30 words) cause its an active group and i like that and i want to turf with pros also im gonna agree with all and follow the orders that the fouder give me adn cause i want to be in a pro group
3.2Why should we accept you?(minimum 20 words) cause im gonna help with all fllow the rules and imi a good player i can help with turf and also im active in the sv

4. Agreement

4.1Will you troll and spam Crips members?(Y/N) NO
4.2I agree that i will left you after 2 weeks.(Y/N) NO
4.3Everything i wrote here it wasn't by me.(Y/N) NO
4.4I agree that i will execute all leader orders.(Y/N) Yes

Accepted , welcome to Crips and read our rules again.

Offline nixaserbia

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Re: Kilo Tray Crip - Application Center[OPEN]
« Reply #12 on: February 09, 2017, 06:35:40 am »
Dead @RoNeX
Your application for Kilo Tray Crips is DENNIED
On Following reasons:
  • Poor information in parts 2.5, 3.1 and 3.2 and you should use next time word counter on google.
  • Poor English, try to improve it little bit

You can apply again in TWO DAYS, GOOD LUCK!

BLACKLISTED for deleting your application.


Ex-Yu Translator
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Offline Dwedar

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  • Group: Kilo Tray Crip
  • In-Game Name: Dwedar
Re: Kilo Tray Crip - Application Center[OPEN]
« Reply #13 on: February 23, 2017, 05:04:48 pm »


1.1Your real life name: Ahmed
1.2Age: 17
1.3Gander: male
1.4Nationality: egyption
1.5Tell us something about yourself(minimum 50 words): my name is ahmed iam from egypt iam 17 years old i like play video games i live in cairo i am studying in school my favourite game is gta i live with my family i like to listen to the music and i love cars and i love movies


2.1Your In-game name: Dwedar
2.2Your account name: Dwedar
2.3Serial(f8>serial): 597A826F192D423357D591C294474F44
2.4Your previous groups: CIA Team
2.5Tell us something about your IGC life(minimum 30 words): i like to be a criminal always and i like kill cops and robbing banks and iam playing good by my guns and like shoutgun and love drive a cars and biks and get money
2.6Stats(only link): http://imgur.com/a/bjljF

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1Why do you want to join us?(minimum 30 words) i want to join to us because you are a good team and like to play with you and i love play any game and especially gta with group and kill cops
3.2Why should we accept you?(minimum 20 words) to play with us and i like criminal life and i think i will be a good addition to you and i hope to be your good opinion

4. Agreement

4.1I will troll and spam Crips members?(Y/N) no
4.2I agree that i will leave crips after 2 weeks.(Y/N) no
4.3Everything i wrote here wasn't written by me.(Y/N) no
4.4I agree that i will execute all leader's orders.(Y/N) yes

Offline Toscana

  • Group: Lenny Face
Re: Kilo Tray Crip - Application Center[OPEN]
« Reply #14 on: February 22, 2017, 12:32:45 pm »


1.1Your real life name: Muhammad
1.2Age: 19
1.3Gander: Male
1.4Nationality: Egyptian
1.5Tell us something about yourself(minimum 50 words): Hello there, i am Muhammad, i was born in Ismailia, Egypt. I currently live alone but i am willing to back to my family soon, i do like literature especially the history of my country. Also, i tend to do exercise at home daily or discontinuously to be fit, i've got ability of cooking because of my situation nowadays and i do like food as well.


2.1Your In-game name: Toscana
2.2Your account name: Resplendentbohemian
2.3Serial(f8>serial): 3C9101B77C76261326F02F7812AD1D52
2.4Your previous groups: SWAT
2.5Tell us something about your IGC life(minimum 30 words): Well, i recently figured out content of the server but to be honest i am not that professional player at all, but i am quick learner and i've just switched my career in-game so i am willing to be a skilled criminal.
2.6Stats(only link): https://s2.postimg.org/3lnhbty1l/mta_screen_2017_02_22_18_50_14.png

3. Why do you want to join us?
3.1Why do you want to join us?(minimum 30 words) In my own opinion i am looking for a good team that indicates to i am going to chill and have fun with them so i assume that and i wish i could get a point in my favor by joining you.

3.2Why should we accept you?(minimum 20 words) I think i am rational person so i seem to have difficulty getting triggered/mad which means i am mature. Sometimes i be out of mind like joking with no limit, obviously all of us have idiotic moments. I am good in-game in thinking and luring the enemy out to the death but unfortunately i am really bad in aiming because i usually play on console i mean Playstation-4 but i am gradually improving myself on PC.

4. Agreement

4.1I will troll and spam Crips members?(Y/N) No, i won't.
4.2I agree that i will leave crips after 2 weeks.(Y/N) No, i don't.
4.3Everything i wrote here wasn't written by me.(Y/N) No.
4.4I agree that i will execute all leader's orders.(Y/N) Yes, i agree.

“When life itself seems lunatic, who knows where madness lies? Perhaps to be too practical is madness. To surrender dreams — this may be madness. Too much sanity may be madness — and maddest of all: to see life as it is, and not as it should be!”
- Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Don Quixote


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