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I feel this goes slightly beyond the remit of this community. Making a whole game of its own is worthy of a new title and community.
The idea by itself it's not bad, since MTA limitations and performance sucks but there are some big issuesDoes anyone here have any further idea of programming in C++Would someone sacrify like 5000 hours of worktime making a game "for free" without having the security that it'll success?Imagine we've got programmers and who defuq would be the 3D modder, afaik I'm the only 3D modder in this forums and the only thing I can say is that it takes a huge amount of time making almost anything from scratch
You don't need to know C to create a game, look at Minecraft lul
You're right you don't need know C to create a game, you need know C to create a decent game.Go learn this Unreal Engine tutorial maybe someone can do a decent game; tutorial