I will start from the top to the bottom of the list.
(No asslicking, just an opinion from what I have seen.)
Glenno - He seems to be a fine person who does his job correctly with the position of Head Staff. There might be a few times that he doesn't do stuff such as kicking people who are actually inactive in the staff team (will state their names below). I believe that he seems to be fit for the position and he shall stay till the server dies (unless if he feels like stepping down due to reasons such as inactivity or whatever).
Adeeb - A recent person who just got promoted to Head Staff position. He might be a bit fresh but he seems to be doing his job fine along with Glenno. I don't see any reasons for him to be doing anything bad with the current position he is. Plus, he is an arab after all and Sharia Police have made an exception.
NizwaFTW - A person with a cringe tag which is FTW, sounds like a 12 y/o child would have. Apart from that, I don't see any reasons for him to be demoted/kicked/warned. He is another person who deserves the position.
Phoenix - An inactive staff who doesn't play that much anymore and he doesn't do anything. He is someone who should get demoted from the staff position but as I mentioned, the Head Staff aren't doing anything to him and he is just chilling there.
(He plays CIT sometimes but more than IGC)Shomile - To be honest, I haven't seen him be doing much but it could be also a reason why I am not giving a shit that much about him. I don't see any reasons for him to be demoted but he is the only person that I haven't paid much attention (lol sorry).
Mackepper - Why the fuck was he even added? Kick him. LILDOLLA, STOP ADDING HIM.
Lee - Seems like he has gone inactive, maybe a warning would be fine about that. He was doing his job correctly, no complaints. If he doesn't happen to fix his inactivity, he can be demoted.
Antisocial08 - Another person who has gone inactive, I believe. A warning would be fine. The same as Lee, pretty much.
Marx/Fazlija - He seems to be doing his duty fine. He deserves a better position.
Flak - Why? He is inactive. Kick him.
Oreo - Never heard but I don't see him to be doing shit.
I don't have any favorite staff because that question is the stupidest one I have heard of so far. This is a survey to be giving your opinion, not to say who is the best. I would choose mr.3zab if he was a staff.
Half the staff team is inactive and egs are running amok,
Agreed, soon mr.3zab will be added as the Head Staff of this server.
I can clearly see that they're completely inactive, maybe they're playing another games or smth.
Let me correct that for you, they are either playing CIT, another games, they have issues with real life or any stuff like that.
EDIT: LUL I forgot about Marx.