
Author Topic: Complaint - MSGT-Barry*SWAT  (Read 3448 times)

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Offline Mr.Zombie

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Complaint - MSGT-Barry*SWAT
« on: February 18, 2017, 05:39:51 pm »
Ingame Name: SGT-MrZombie[A]
Forum Name: Mr.Zombie
Serial: 5B786CFC1C30E886AD164553F22D89F3

Name of player you're complaining against: MSGT-Barry*SWAT
What rule have they broken: Provoking me and my religion ( Screenshots providing everything )
Date/Time the rule was broken: Just today
Evidence of them breaking a rule: Album
- Former Police Chief, SWAT Leader & ATLAS Leader.
- Former L2 Staff, Event Manager, Staff Application Manager & Complaints Manager
- One of the first players of IGC

Offline NaTz

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Re: Complaint - MSGT-Barry*SWAT
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2017, 06:11:59 pm »
I've actually witnessed some religious arguments coming from Barry but I ignored it as it wasn't that severe and intentional and nobody seemed to be offended. I'll consider this complaint valid because it's not the first time he mentions another religion's God/beliefs. However, the player won't be punished for now, this is more like a warning for Barry. If he does this again, then he should be punished.


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