(01/3/2017) Javaa15 Joined the group (NYS + Electro)
(01/3/2017) PVT-Fetamin[A] left the group
(02/3/2017) Javaa15 has been kicked from the group for playing as criminal (NYS)
(02/3/2017) Unkown Joined the group (NYS + Electro)
(12/3/2017) Junx Joined the group (NYS + Electro)
(12/3/2017) Fares Joined the group (Electro + NYS)
(15/3/2017) Updated group reminders (Mr.Zombie)
(16/3/2017) PVT-Fares[A] left the group , to be blacklisted.
(16/3/2017) Updated ranks names In-game (NYS)
(17/3/2017) [IGC]Junx|A has been promoted to Regular aka Sergeant (Mr.Zombie + NYS)
(17/3/2017) SGT-Junx[A] left the group after he got promoted , to be blacklisted (Mr.Zombie + NYS)
(20/3/2017) RCT-Backsage[A] has been promoted to Regular [ Sergeant ] (Mr.Zombie + Electro + NYS )
(26/3/2017) Merged SOG & ATLAS , and the following members joined :
- tn Haider as CPT
- uy Ares as CPT
- N/A iShadow as RCT
(2017/03/27) Fixed and added some new ranks (NYS)
(2017/03/27) 1LT-Mr.Zombie[A] has been promoted to Captain (NYS)
(2017/03/27) CPT-Electro[A] has been promoted to Executive Officer *Co-F* (NYS)
(2017/03/27) CPT-Haider[A] has been promoted to General (NYS)
(2017/03/27) SGT-Cooper[A] has been promoted to Staff Sergeant (NYS)
(2017/03/27) PVT-Unkown[A] , PVT-PapstPlay[A] , PVT-Vladislav[A] , PVT-WaffleTauntFace[A] & SGT-markyn[A] has been demoted to Missing in action *Inactive*