International Gaming Community

International Gaming Community => Criminal Board => Community Groups => L3. KT$Crips => Topic started by: Kingpool on July 14, 2017, 07:37:38 am

Title: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPENED]
Post by: Kingpool on July 14, 2017, 07:37:38 am
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1. Must speak understandable English.
2. Must not be in any group when applying.
3. Must not be known for bad behavior.
4. If you delete your application after submitting, you will be blacklisted from KTC.
5. Do not edit your application after applying or you will be be Denied immediately.
6. Always tell the truth in your application.                               
7. Wrong format is unacceptable, if you leave any field blank you will be denied immediately.
8. You should have minimum 20 hours of playtime
9. Do not copy anything from other applications.
10. You need to wait 3 days if you want to apply again after being denied.

1. Respect everyone in this community.
2. Respect group mates and your leaders.
3. Follow all leader orders.
4. Must speak decent English.
5. Working as a cop is allowed for now.
6. Respect all IGC rules.
7. Do not ask for a promotion.
8. Do not ask for money.
9. Don't kill your group mates unless they are asking you to do it.
10. English only in groupchat.


Copy the code below, press reply ON THIS TOPIC, paste the code and then fill it out to apply.
Code: [Select]
[font=arial black][b][color=#3366cc][size=14]1. Real Life Info[/size][/color][/b][/font]

[b][color=#3366cc]1.1[/color] Your real name:[/b]
[b][color=#3366cc]1.2[/color] Age:[/b]
[b][color=#3366cc]1.3[/color] Gender:[/b]
[b][color=#3366cc]1.4[/color] Nationality:[/b]
[b][color=#3366cc]1.5[/color] Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words):[/b]

[font=arial black][size=14][color=#3366cc][b]2. In-game Info[/b][/color][/size][/font]

[b][color=#3366cc]2.1[/color] Your In-game name:[/b]
[b][color=#3366cc]2.2[/color] Your account name:[/b]
[b][color=#3366cc]2.3[/color] Serial (F8 - serial):[/b]
[b][color=#3366cc]2.4[/color] Your previous groups:[/b]
[b][color=#3366cc]2.5[/color] Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):[/b]
[b][color=#3366cc]2.6[/color] Stats (screenshot):[/b]

[font=arial black][size=14][color=#3366cc][b]3. Why do you want to join us?[/b][/color][/size][/font]

[b][color=#3366cc]3.1[/color] Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): [/b]
[b][color=#3366cc]3.2[/color] Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): [/b]

[font=arial black][size=14][color=#3366cc][b]4. Agreement[/b][/color] [/size][/font]

[b][color=#3366cc]4.1[/color] I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N):[/b]
[b][color=#3366cc]4.2[/color] I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N):[/b]
[b][color=#3366cc]4.3[/color] I copied my application from another person. (Y/N):[/b]
[b][color=#3366cc]4.4[/color] I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N):[/b]

All applications are voted on by KTC leaders - this takes time so don't spam us to check your app.


Code: [Select]
@(Applicant's name)
Your application for [color=#3366cc][b]Kilo Tray Crips[/b][/color] is [color=green][b]ACCEPTED[/b][/color]!
Ask any OG+ for an invite.
Congrats and have fun!

Code: [Select]
@(Applicant's name)
Your application for [b][color=#3366cc]Kilo Tray Crips[/color][/b] is set to [color=#ff9933][b]PENDING[/b][/color] for the following reasons:

Code: [Select]
@(Applicant's name)
Your application for the [b][color=#3366cc]Kilo Tray Crips[/color][/b] is [color=#cc3333][b]DENIED[/b][/color] for the following reasons:

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Mr.Sex on August 17, 2017, 12:05:39 pm


1.1 Your real life name:Gabriel
1.2 Age:15
1.3 Gender:Male
1.4 Nationality:Româna
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words):[/b i'm a 15 year old female. I love to play games, reading and being active in general. Beside that i love doing research on things i like, which i do basically every day just to get more knowledge. I'd describe my personality as happy, positive, friendly and helpful


2.1 Your In-game name:Gabriel
2.2 Your account name:gabriel1234
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial):ECEE1A4826A7D79AE9583CCF3E958971
2.4 Your previous groups:SWAT Team and FTW
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):On IGC I have learned to be respectful with people and with admins, to respect the clan of which they belong and the whole community, this community is very friendly.
2.6 Stats (only link):

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us?(minimum 30 words)I want to join me in your clan I've been in this clan but I'm stupid I'm leaving the clan and I'm doing everything I can to get back and I will not leave it anymore
3.2 Why should we accept you?(minimum 20 words)I want to be accepted that I have many friends in the clan, and I want to be with you and I hope to get along well with the founders of the clan and what are members of it.

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members?(Y/N)no
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks.(Y/N)no
4.3 Everything i wrote here wasn't written by me.(Y/N)yes
4.4 I agree that i will execute all leader's orders.(Y/N)yes

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kingpool on August 19, 2017, 04:40:21 am
Your application for the Kilo Tray Crips is Denied for the following reasons:

1. Been changing groups like socks.
2. Already left once or was kicked.
3. Didn't pay attention to the application:
4.3 Everything i wrote here wasn't written by me.(Y/N)yes
Apply again in 3 days.
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Mr.Sex on August 22, 2017, 04:55:33 am
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name: Gabriel
1.2 Age:15
1.3 Gender:Male
1.4 Nationality: Româna
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words): i'm a 15 year old Male. I love to play games, reading and being active in general. Beside that i love doing research on things i like, which i do basically every day just to get more knowledge. I'd describe my personality as happy, positive, friendly and helpful

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name:Gabriel
2.2 Your account name:gabriel1234
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial):ECEE1A4826A7D79AE9583CCF3E958971
2.4 Your previous groups:NSM
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):I have learned to be respectful with people and with admins, to respect the clan of which they belong and the whole community, this community is very friendly.
2.6 Stats (screenshot):

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): I want to join me in your clan I've been in this clan but I'm stupid I'm leaving the clan and I'm doing everything I can to get back and I will not leave it anymore
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): I want to be accepted that I have many friends in the clan, and I want to be with you and I hope to get along well with the founders of the clan and what are members of it.

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N):No
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N):No
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N): No
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N):Yes, with respect

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kingpool on August 22, 2017, 06:07:19 am
Your application for Kilo Tray Crips is ACCEPTED!
Ask any OG+ for an invite. (Me, Nizwa, Kerw, Haze, Sexternal, iShadow)
Congrats and have fun!
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: moazemad on August 23, 2017, 03:33:36 pm
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name:[Moaz Emad]
1.2 Age:[15]
1.3 Gender:[male]
1.4 Nationality:[egyptian]
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words):[i like playing too much on cumputer and i love playing MTA in igc server]

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name:[EstableThug]
2.2 Your account name:[moazjimmy]
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial):[3143BF7B3CF7C0C8EA55A4147430C0B2]
2.4 Your previous groups:[SWAT]
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):[last time i had 1 million because i sold a cheetah with speedpack hahaha and i got fcr-900 without money ]
2.6 Stats (screenshot):[]

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): [great group i think its have the best players in the game:)]
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): [u dont should to do that its up to kingpool lol]

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N):[no]
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N):[no]
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N):[no]
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N):[yes]

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kingpool on August 23, 2017, 03:41:02 pm
Your application for the Kilo Tray Crips is DENIED for the following reasons:
1. Didn't fill out the application correctly.
2. No stats screenshot.

Apply again in 3 days with a decent application if you want.
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Oreo on August 24, 2017, 07:31:55 am
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name: Mohamed Galal
1.2 Age: 14
1.3 Gender: Male
1.4 Nationality: Egyptian
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words):Hello, my name is Mohamed, I was born on Sep 15, 2002. I live in Egypt, Giza, with my big family. I live with my mother, I don't have any brothers so that's a bit boring sometimes but I am not sad about it because I'm not that kind of person. I love to talk with new people. I am self-confident. That's why I think I different from other students, but sometimes I have too much confidence and it's not good for me. I love sports like basketball, badminton, football, and volleyball. I like to try new things (except if it too dangerous, then I won't try it, hehe), In Egypt, I can't ski because we don't have snow here. That makes me a little sad. I wish it would snow one day in the future. Oh and not just sport, I also love music. I can say music is my life. I can play piano, guitar (just a little), and some Thai music. Well, actually I can play more than I have written, but I haven't learned the entire song yet. [is this what you meant?] I mostly love to listen to the music. I like R&B and some hip-hop songs. I don't like sad songs though because it makes me feel blue. Wow, I think I've written too much about music. Back to myself, I am interested in other languages Spanish, French. In my free time, I like to play on the computer, sleep, listen to music, and read about philosophy. When I was young my mom always bought me philosophy books, so I familiar with lots of philosophy. I don't like to read comic books like other teenagers. As I told you before, I'm an easy-going person, but I'm not going to tell you that I'm perfect. Nobody's perfect after all. Sometimes, I'm a lazy person like other teenagers, but I'm still responsible when it comes to my school. I hope all my dreams will come true and I will be very happy if I succeed in my studies and in my life.

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name: ReO
2.2 Your account name: Randomacc
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial): 146E7B725ED400991E8ED264D82F1884
2.4 Your previous groups: Lord
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words): well i started this server yesterday lol but i have enjoyed my time here
2.6 Stats (screenshot):

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): Well Crips is great criminal group, active members, helpful, i see them when they kill cops together.
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): Well iam new player, i want to learn more about the server, so i think crips will helpme alot to learn more about the server.

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N): N
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N): N
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N): N
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N): Y

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kingpool on August 24, 2017, 08:27:26 am
Your application for Kilo Tray Crips is ACCEPTED!
Ask any OG+ for an invite.
Congrats and have fun!
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: !MaDy on August 24, 2017, 06:52:16 pm
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name:Karim alaa
1.2 Age:16
1.3 Gender:male
1.4 Nationality:egyption
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words):Hello ,  My name is Karim i was porn On 18/8/2001 i live in Egypt , alxe With My sister ,dad, mom , and 6Cats, I love To Know New Friends , And Learn New Things In the world , i love playing Swimming, i love Gaming , i Have An gaming Pc , I love PLaying Another Games Like CS:GO , LineofSight , Unturned and More ,  When My Age Was 15 My dad Bought me An Iphone6 I was So Happy That Day , My dad Always Say i am responsible for My sister , I love Egypt it have alot of Good Things like Friends and The places Where You go , I Always love to try The new things .

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name:!Mady
2.2 Your account name:Maddghost
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial):6FEE1EDFA993A0EBCEA1884E4162EC04
2.4 Your previous groups:Cha$out , NSM
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):I Enjoy Playing with My friends , We always Robbing The ATM Together And Kill the Police together too , Sometimes  my sister Open And play with me We enjoy Our time Together.]
2.6 Stats (screenshot):

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): i love the criminals Group So You are Great Group i would like to Join
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): Bec I will try My best to Get Crips The First criminals group in IGC  ]

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N):n
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N):n
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N):n
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N):Y

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kerw36 on August 24, 2017, 07:44:04 pm
@maddghost Accepted. Gonna give you a chance.
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kajeno on August 24, 2017, 07:59:09 pm
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name:Kajeno
1.2 Age:17
1.3 Gender:male
1.4 Nationality:egyption
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words):I am from Egypt and I like server IGC and I want to enter a crip from a long time. I want my request to be verified. I go to crip. I went to NSM and FTW and I want to go to Crip and stay there. I want to be a criminal and see new friends. My name is Kajeno and I would like to be a lot more generous

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name:Kajeno
2.2 Your account name:anmar
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial):2A565ED162C87D80B44EC27E3A252384
2.4 Your previous groups:NSM and FTW
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):I love IGC very much and enjoy my time in the server and I want to stay in the range of life I worked in all posts and I enjoyed a lot of time and I am proud that I played in Surfer like this and thank you very much if you could work server like this

2.6 Stats (screenshot): -

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): I love group crepe and I want to enter your group and I like to be a lot of criminal. I want very hard to enter the group crepe I love to be a criminal and steal shops

3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): Because I help the group and the times a lot and I want to enter to help any member of the group and be a criminal and steal with my colleagues in the group Jarrett I was watching

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N):n
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N):n
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N):n
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N):y

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kingpool on August 24, 2017, 08:05:41 pm
Your application for the Kilo Tray Crips is DENIED for the following reasons:
1. English not good enough.
2. This:
I love group crepe
Quote from: Rules
2. Must not be in any group ( when applying.

Wait 3 days before applying again.
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Haze on August 25, 2017, 11:06:46 am
Look, we wont accept anyone who we cant understand...
Second, you dont need to tell us stuff from your personal life like about that iphone... We just want to know most basic info...
Third, we dont need people to kiss our ass in application, just state some of your opinions and statements about the whole deal..
And lets face it, you used google translate to write your application, and when it comes to that check my first sentence..
And pls tell me why are you applying for crips but wont put effort in spelling our name correctly...
All in all.. DENIED, im sorry..

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: MotaFagrat13 on August 25, 2017, 12:23:12 pm

1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name:Abdelaziz
1.2 Age:15
1.3 Gender:male
1.4 Nationality:Egyption
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words):Hello i am Abdelaziz form Egypt and i am 15 years old and i started playing this game form two years but this is very enjoyable game.
i was staying in Egypt but i was born in Egypt and my favorite hobby is playing MTA,Football and swimming.
I learned in Naguib Mahfouz school but this is a very wonderful school.
i traveled a lot like the Zoo,the pyramids and the museum

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name:MoTaFaGraT
2.2 Your account name:ABDOELHAWARY
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial):12B743C9327C54FEA3ABFC0EBE4EB3F3
2.4 Your previous groups:Ca$h out and FTW
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):This serfer is one of the best serfers i entered this serfer and set up a group but i did not have the money to do the base Delete this group and entered the group B|D|S and Ca$h out and FTW and i am in this serfer 716 hours.
2.6 Stats (screenshot):

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): i want to enter this group because i help you and do not violate the law bacause it is a professionals team and it is experience is high and is considered the first group in the groups of criminals and he is one of the best group
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): Because i am a professional in the game and all of you too i prefer to be a criminal always and The nember of killers is greater than the number of deaths and i do the rules well.

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N):N
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N):N
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N):N
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N):Y

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kingpool on August 25, 2017, 01:13:10 pm
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: moazemad on September 09, 2017, 11:45:36 am
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name:[Moaz Emad]
1.2 Age:[15]
1.3 Gender:[male]
1.4 Nationality:[egyptian]
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words):[hello my name is Moaz I am 15 years old i like playing too much on computer and i love playing MTA in igc server.i like reading and be active]

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name:[EstableThug]
2.2 Your account name:[moazjimmy]
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial):[3143BF7B3CF7C0C8EA55A4147430C0B2]
2.4 Your previous groups:[NSM]
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):[ i like to play as a criminal beat cops and have a good time robbing banks and betting shops ]
2.6 Stats (screenshot):]

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): [great group i think its have the best players in the game and I have a lot of friends there]
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): [cause i will help group to rob as a criminal and helping every new member in crips ]

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N):[no]
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N):[no]
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N):[no]
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N):[yes]

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: topmaster. on September 09, 2017, 09:26:38 pm
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name: Abdallah
1.2 Age: 21
1.3 Gender: Male
1.4 Nationality: TN
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words): My name is Abduallah.I'm 17 years old and I live in Gafsa .I go everyday  to high school gymnasia....I like to play games such as Call of Duty,Counter Strike:Global Offensive,Grand Theft Auto ,NBA , PES etc...
I was training football I played on position right wing used number 10.I got one brother.I like to go with friends on football matches of my city club also in night clubs with them.Also from monday to friday I'm in school from 12:45 to 18:40 but because I'm traveling with bus I'm in house 19:40.After school I'm on computer or I'm eating.Weekend time I spend playing MTA or I'm going to some buildings with friends on drink and I always have nice time.That's for now my life because of school that's it what you have to know and there's nothing else

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name:Topmaster0
2.2 Your account name:topmaster0
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial): A7D700D688E14B519018CD505ADF9634
2.4 Your previous groups:Ca$h out and FTW
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words): This serfer is one of the best serfers i entered this serfer and set up a group but i did not have the money to do the base Delete this group and entered the group B|D|S and Ca$h out and FTW and i am in this serfer 2Hours i new in server
2.6 Stats (screenshot): 2 Hous New in server i Neeed Group Pros

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): I want to join because the group is skilled, known and have experienced players in it.
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words):   Because i am a professional in the game and all of you too i prefer to be a criminal always and The nember of killers is greater than the number of deaths and i do the rules well.

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N): N  :V
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N): N  :V
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N): N  :V
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N): Y :lol:

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kingpool on September 10, 2017, 12:54:28 am
Your application for the Kilo Tray Crips is DENIED for the following reasons:
1. Low effort application.
2. Does not meet word requirement on pretty much anything.
3. No stats screenshot provided.

Apply again in 3 days with an application that is decent.
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kingpool on September 10, 2017, 01:00:03 am
Your application for the Kilo Tray Crips is DENIED for the following reasons:
1. Copied parts of his app from another person:
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):This serfer is one of the best serfers i entered this serfer and set up a group but i did not have the money to do the base Delete this group and entered the group B|D|S and Ca$h out and FTW and i am in this serfer 716 hours.
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): Because i am a professional in the game and all of you too i prefer to be a criminal always and The nember of killers is greater than the number of deaths and i do the rules well.
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words): This serfer is one of the best serfers i entered this serfer and set up a group but i did not have the money to do the base Delete this group and entered the group B|D|S and Ca$h out and FTW and i am in this serfer 2Hours i new in server
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words):   Because i am a professional in the game and all of you too i prefer to be a criminal always and The nember of killers is greater than the number of deaths and i do the rules well.
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: kreks on September 12, 2017, 10:33:34 am
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name:Kregor
1.2 Age:12
1.3 Gender:male
1.4 Nationality:Estonia
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words):Hi im a 12 years old boy and i like football.I am from a little country called Estonia.I am in middle School,im in 6 grade.My  all time favourite games are GTA V, Gta San Andreas and Fifa 15.I like Gta because it`s a free world game.I really like sports.I really enjoy playing Pc Games.

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name:Kreks
2.2 Your account name:Kreks
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial):302E2C4FBEF1370F53CF2AFD9E4D46B2
2.4 Your previous groups:Sharia Polis
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words)::So I have played this game 100 hours.I am playing this game with my friends a lot.I am almost always being in criminal side because i like criminal jobs more than others.I like sometimes turfing too.i usually rob places with friends.i dont spend much money for cars because the gun ammo is very important for me.But i save this much mone as i can.
2.6 Stats (screenshot):

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): :i want to join because i think it`s a very cool group.I think the group members are very friendly and helpful.It is a very big group where are very cool people and i want to be one of them
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): I think because i am a friendly and helpful person.I always coplete the tasks what i have got to do.I really would like to be one of the group members.

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N):No
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N):NO
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N):No
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N):Yes Always

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: YoloStarHd on September 12, 2017, 11:21:42 am
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name:Mihkel Aavik
1.2 Age:12
1.3 Gender:Male
1.4 Nationality:Estonia
1.5 Tell us something about yourself  (minimum 50 words):Hi my name is Mihkel.Im 12 years old boy and i live in small country called by estonia.i like sport and im good on it. my favourite activity is play this MTA server. When weekend is come then i play soo much MTA :). My favourite lesson is PE and English.Everyday when i come home from school then i start to play that MTA server.

2. In-game Info
2.1 Your In-game name:YoloStarHD
2.2 Your account name:YoloStarHD
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial):7873F693F2F2ECABB76D1D23E08EC344
2.4 Your previous groups:Sharia Polis,  Very important people
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words): Im playing this game with my goods friends.In game i always be a criminal but sometimes i turfing (ganster job). i like criminal jobs more than others usually when i have crim job then i rob banks, kill cops but when i have ganster job then i turfing and fighting other gansters.I have playd 136 hours this server.
2.6 Stats (screenshot):

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): I want join us beacuse this server is cool and good.I think this group members are very helful and friendly. This group is a very big and and mega cool and i want to be a one of them
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): I am very helful and friendly people. I always complete my task what i have to do.I really like to be one of the group members

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N):No
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N):No never
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N):no
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N):Yes always

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kerw36 on September 12, 2017, 03:46:37 pm
kreks and YoloStarHd  both are ACCEPTED.

Ask any OG+ for an invite.
Congrats and have fun!

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: moazemad on September 12, 2017, 07:16:07 pm
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name: Moaz Emad
1.2 Age:15
1.3 Gender:male
1.4 Nationality: Egyptian
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words): hello my name is Moaz I am 15 years old , born in Egypt .having 1 sister and 2 brothers. i like playing too much on computer and i love playing MTA in igc server. I like a lot of games too like . CSGO , unturned , roblox , crossfire and a lot more i like reading and be active in general and I like hangout with my friend and have fun . And I like researching . And I like to watch videos on YouTube .

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name: EstableThug
2.2 Your account name: moazjimmy
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial):
2.4 Your previous groups: NSM and SWAT
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words): i like to play as a criminal beat cops and have a good time robbing banks and betting shops and I like to help new members on igc server to know the rules and respect admins and the members too to be a lovely person in the server and the rules of their group too.
2.6 Stats (screenshot):

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): because it is a great group i think its have the best players in the game and I have a lot of friends there and I like to play as a criminal too much so I can help the members in the group to kill cops.
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words):
because i will help group to rob as a criminal and kill a lot of cops and I will  help any new member in crip to know the rules and respect it

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N): no
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N): no
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N): no
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N): yes, always

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: EstGamerHD on September 13, 2017, 01:26:42 pm
1. Real Life Info:

1.1 Your real name:Peeter
1.2 Age:12
1.3 Gender:Male
1.4 Nationality:Estonia
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words):Hi,My name is Peeter.Im a 12 year old boy who is in grade 6.I play IGC everyday and on weekend i play it even more.Im a really nice guy who is a really helpful and always helps other people when needed.i will help people in any way possible.

2. In-game Info:

2.1 Your In-game name:EstGamerHD
2.2 Your account name:EstGamerHD
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial):9AF363ADB3A35E06562C6A047F0BA8B4
2.4 Your previous groups:Sharia Polis
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):My time IGC has been a lot of fun.I have farmed money with my friends YoloStarHd and Kreks its been a lot of fun because the server never gets boring.We farmed as criminals and as gangsters,but usually as criminals.We have bought awesome cars with alot of money and sold them for even more money.And we have got so much profit.
2.6 Stats (screenshot):

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words):I want to join crips because they help a lot of new  people in the game that need help in the server.I want to become one of the Crips and help others with the other Crips.
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): You should accept me because im really helpful and im online almost everyday.I will help new and other people.

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N):No
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N):No
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N):No
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N):Yes i will

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Lee on September 13, 2017, 07:03:22 pm
I'm giving u 1 chance, do not waste it. Accepted
Ask any OG+ for an invite. Congratulations and have fun!

The other applications are pending.
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: yusuf06161 on September 14, 2017, 06:24:58 am
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name:[YusufCengiz]
1.2 Age:[15]
1.3 Gender:[Male]
1.4 Nationality:[Turkey]
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words):[i'm a 15 year old Male. I love to play games, reading and being active in general. Beside that i love doing research on things i like, which i do basically every day just to get more knowledge. I'd describe my personality as happy, positive, friendly and helpful]

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name:[GaripS1F1R1R]
2.2 Your account name:[yusuf06161]
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial):[D43E15FEB0EF71F026EE4EFEEE6DAE04]
2.4 Your previous groups:[GreenStreetElite]
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):[On IGC I have learned to be respectful with people and with admins, to respect the clan of which they belong and the whole community, this community is very friendly.]
2.6 Stats (screenshot):[]

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): [Well Crips is great criminal group, active members, helpful, i see them when they kill cops together.]
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): [Well iam new player, i want to learn more about the server, so i think crips will helpme alot to learn more about the server.]

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N):[N]
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N):[N]
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N):[N]
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N):[Y]

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kingpool on September 14, 2017, 08:15:59 am
Your application for Kilo Tray Crips is ACCEPTED!
Ask any OG+ for an invite.
Congrats and have fun!

Giving you a chance, don't fuck up.
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kingpool on September 14, 2017, 08:17:33 am
Your application for the Kilo Tray Crips is DENIED for the following reasons:
1. Copied this app:
2. And this one:

Don't bother applying again.
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: AyıcıkBobo on September 15, 2017, 10:19:27 am
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name:[Mustafa]
1.2 Age:[15]
1.3 Gender:[Male]
1.4 Nationality:[Turkey]
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words):[Hello , my name is Mustafa i playing mta in international server i like it international server i playing everday mta and my friends playing mta i like gta san andreas ]

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name:[AYICIKBOBO]
2.2 Your account name:[MustafaC]
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial):[2620024B66300239798D7EF7096C4BB4]
2.4 Your previous groups:[non]
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):[i like to play igc  im criminal and robbed bank heist and kill police - swat and playing my friend igc in criminal and bank heist i happy playing igc]
2.6 Stats (screenshot):[]

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): [I want to join Crips
according to me igc in best clan killing swats - polices bank heist good base crips and help others with the other crips.]
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): [
You should accept me because i killing swats i helping crips and im online  almost everday

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N):[No]
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N):[No]
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N):[No]
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N):[Yes , i will ]

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kerw36 on September 16, 2017, 02:50:11 am
AYICIKBOBO, DENIED for the following reasons:
You can apply again in 3 days.
Title: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center By: TrainerWesker
Post by: TrainerWesker on October 13, 2017, 02:38:36 pm
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name:[Alexis Martínez]
1.2 Age:[17]
1.3 Gender:[male]
1.4 Nationality:[Venezuelan]
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words):[Hello, I am a university student, I play soccer at a professional level here in my country and I play in my spare time IGC, as I said my name is Alexis, I am 17 years old, I live in the capital of Venezuela (CARACAS) time I plan to play IGC like before]

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name:[TrainerWesker]
2.2 Your account name:[TrainerWesker]
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial):[ 8651EB9ECA8B117CF0FA75D645523CE4]
2.4 Your previous groups:[NSM]
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):[ I started to play when Emile joined IGC with FTA, I really like the server, according to my opinion is some RPG servers that I have played with more organization, I have 254 hours as in a month playing, I became addictive when I started it to play and I want to do it again haha ]
2.6 Stats (screenshot):Sorry guys, i dont know how i put a ss here :(

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): [I want to enter by the cooperative, the good and the dominant that is the clan, besides I feel comfortable with the members of the clan,]
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): [Because I am an active member, I help and contribute a lot with the group ]

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N):[no]
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N):[no]
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N):[no]
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N):[yes]
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kingpool on October 15, 2017, 12:54:45 pm
Your application for Kilo Tray Crips is ACCEPTED!
Ask any OG+ for an invite.
Congrats and have fun!
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kingpool on October 29, 2017, 01:11:24 pm
Your application for the Kilo Tray Crips is DENIED for the following reasons:
1. Blacklisted
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: MehmetVural on November 06, 2017, 12:33:05 pm
1.1 Your real name:[Mehmet Vural]
1.2 Age:[15]
1.3 Gender:[male]
1.4 Nationality:[Turkey]
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words):[I go to the igc server on the mtada after going to the computer and go to the igc server on the morning and play my 3 hour mta with my friends afterwards I go to the arrow afterwards I make the homework after the school and then I go back to mtada igc server and play 5 hours mta with my friends]

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name:[KodAdiCafer]
2.2 Your account name:[YusufC]
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial):[D43E15FEB0EF71F026EE4EFEEE6DAE04]
2.4 Your previous groups:[Non]
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):[
firstly I become a criminal with my friends, after that I have abundantly killed cops and made bank and market robberies I enjoy from work I love to spend time in igc]
2.6 Stats (screenshot):[]

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): [
your clan is one of the biggest clans on the beautiful server, the players of your clan are nice and disciplined and i want to see you in your clan myself]
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): [you have to accept me because I am disciplined and I kill so many policemen on the server too many banks and grocery stores I love members of crips very disciplined like me and want to join you]

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N):[N]
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N):[N]
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N):[N]
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N):[Y]
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: AyıcıkBobo on November 06, 2017, 12:52:23 pm
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name:[Mustafa]
1.2 Age:[15]
1.3 Gender:[male]
1.4 Nationality:[Turkey]
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words):When I am in the morning, I wash my face and do breakfast and do my homework and I go to the head of the computer and play until the school time on the mtada igc server. When the school time comes, I go to the school again and when I come from the school I do my homework again and i play computer in igc server]

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name:[Itsum]
2.2 Your account name:[MustafaC]
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial):[2620024B66300239798D7EF7096C4BB4]
2.4 Your previous groups:[Ca$h-GreenStreetElite]
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):
When I enter the iGC server, I become criminal with my friends, we rob the police and bank, and we drive cars, we repeat them and we repeat them for 50k per day[]
2.6 Stats (screenshot):[]

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): [
I want to join you because I see you as the biggest clan in the iGC server, I see your members as disciplined and charitable, and I want to see yourselves in your clan]
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): [you have to accept me because I feel like I am in your clan myself I think the players in your clan are disciplined and helpful I think you like to get me your clan]

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N):[N]
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N):[N]
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N):[N]
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N):[Y]

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Yüksel on November 06, 2017, 01:16:08 pm
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name:[Yüksel]
1.2 Age:[15]
1.3 Gender:[male]
1.4 Nationality:[Turkey]
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words):[I am a student.I am 15 years old.My gender is male.I am from Turkey.My name is Yüksel.I have mom and dad in my family.I am dont have brother.My moms name is eda.My dads name is Özgür.I love International gaming so much.]

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name:[G-TR]
2.2 Your account name:[babaKeLLe]
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial):[EE33EF35AEE85AD8040F03A872F52EA2]
2.4 Your previous groups:[none]
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):[I am driving car.I am playing events.I am Working.I am driving motorcycle.I am driving bmx.I am buying cars.]
2.6 Stats (screenshot):[]

3. Why do you want to join us?[Your clan is nice clan.]

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): [I want to be in your clan.Your clan is perfect clan.]
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): [I have nice fight skills.I have nice English.I am nice car driver.]

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N):[N]
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N):[N]
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N):[N]
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N):[Y]

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Lee on November 07, 2017, 05:43:10 am
Dear, Mustafa, Yüksel and Mehmet Vural

Your applications has been denied for the following reasons:

1st and 2nd applications are made by the same person which is not acceptable at all.
3rd one's English is not what we are looking for.

Re-Apply after a week if u still want to be a part of KT$Crips.
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kerw36 on November 09, 2017, 04:49:25 am
I will delete any unrelated replies to the topic. Spread edginess elsewhere.
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: kogy619 on November 20, 2017, 08:27:27 am
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name: kogy
1.2 Age: 18
1.3 Gender: male
1.4 Nationality: egyption
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words): my name ahmed iam from 18 years old i like play games and pliardo and i live in cairo iam studying in universty my favourite game is gta i live to be a criminal

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name: kogy
2.2 Your account name: kogy619
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial): A8E8B535E6CC8F9C9CA3E7527D174A42
2.4 Your previous groups: Mafia russian arrest
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words): i like to be a criminal always and i like kill cops and robbing banks and iam playing good by my guns and like shoutgun and love drive a cars and biks and get money
2.6 Stats (screenshot):

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): i want to join to us because you are a good team and like to play with you and i love play any game and especially gta with group and kill cops
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): to play with us and i like criminal life and i think i will be a good addition to you and i hope to be your good opinion

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N): no
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N): no
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N): no
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N): yes

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kingpool on November 20, 2017, 11:46:03 am
@Dwedar and @kogy619
Your applications for the Kilo Tray Crips are DENIED for the following reasons:
1. Low-effort applications.
2. Shit English.
3. Dwedar deleted his app anyway.
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: yusufc on December 05, 2017, 08:52:58 am
1.1 Your real name:[Abdi Karabıdık]
1.2 Age:[15]
1.3 Gender:[male]
1.4 Nationality:[Turkey]
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words):[I go to the igc server on the mtada after going to the computer and go to the igc server on the morning and play my 3 hour mta with my friends afterwards I go to the arrow afterwards I make the homework after the school and then I go back to mtada igc server and play 5 hours mta with my friends]

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name:[KodAdiCafer]
2.2 Your account name:[YusufC]
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial):[D43E15FEB0EF71F026EE4EFEEE6DAE04]
2.4 Your previous groups:[Non]
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):[
firstly I become a criminal with my friends, after that I have abundantly killed cops and made bank and market robberies I enjoy from work I love to spend time in igc]
2.6 Stats (screenshot):[]

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): [
your clan is one of the biggest clans on the beautiful server, the players of your clan are nice and disciplined and i want to see you in your clan myself]
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): [you have to accept me because I am disciplined and I kill so many policemen on the server too many banks and grocery stores I love members of crips very disciplined like me and want to join you]

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N):[N]
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N):[N]
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N):[N]
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N):[Y]
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Vali on December 05, 2017, 04:19:14 pm
 @yusufc Your application for Kilo Tray Crips is  DENIED for the following reason:

-1.Shit english
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Dwedar on December 06, 2017, 05:18:36 pm
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name: Ahmed
1.2 Age: 18
1.3 Gender: Male
1.4 Nationality: Egyptions
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words): my name is ahmed iam from egypt iam 18 years old i like play video games i live in cairo i am studying in school my favourite game is gta i live with my family i like to listen to the music and i love cars and i love movies

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name: Dwedar
2.2 Your account name: Dwedar
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial): 597A826F192D423357D591C294474F44
2.4 Your previous groups: Hystria
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):  i like to be a criminal always and i like kill cops and robbing banks and iam playing good by my guns , like shoutgun , love drive a cars , biks and get money
2.6 Stats (screenshot):

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): i want to join to us because you are a good team and like to play with you and i love play any game and especially gta with group and kill cops
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): to play with us and i like criminal life and i think i will be a good addition to you and i hope to be your good opinion

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N): no
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N): no
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N): no
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N): yes

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kingpool on December 08, 2017, 06:18:47 am
Your application for the Kilo Tray Crips is DENIED for the following reasons:
1. Low effort
2. Bad English
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: DoomPlayBG on December 09, 2017, 09:00:23 am
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name:[Alex Kostadinov]
1.2 Age:[15]
1.3 Gender:[male]
1.4 Nationality:[Bulgaria]
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words):[Hello, I am a Student, I play Football at a Amateur level here in my country and I play in my spare time IGC, as I said my name is Alex, I am 15 years old, I live in the capital of Bulgaria (Sofia) time I plan to play IGC like before]

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name:[DoomPlayBG]
2.2 Your account name:[DoomPlayBG]
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial):[ 0216892DEB48E907796E3EC436C351F4]
2.4 Your previous groups:[DMB]
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):[ I started to play when Qvor (Ingame name- VlogGamesBG joined IGC , I really like the server, according to my opinion is some RPG servers that I have played with more organization, I have 8 hours for a 1 day game, I became addictive when I started it to play and I want to do it again haha ]
2.6 Stats (screenshot):Sorry guys, i dont know how i put a ScreenShot here :(

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): [I want to enter by the cooperative, the good and the dominant that is the clan, besides I feel comfortable with the members of the clan,]
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): [Because I am an active member, I help and contribute a lot with the group ]

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N):[no]
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N):[no]
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N):[no]
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N):[yes]
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Lee on December 09, 2017, 09:43:13 am
Mr Alex Kostadinov,

After reviewing your application we decided to decline it for the following reasons:

Application format should look like this:
Spoiler: show
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name: YOUR ANSWER HERE
1.4 Nationality: YOUR ANSWER HERE
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words): YOUR ANSWER HERE

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name: YOUR ANSWER HERE
2.2 Your account name: YOUR ANSWER HERE
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial): YOUR ANSWER HERE
2.4 Your previous groups: YOUR ANSWER HERE
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words): YOUR ANSWER HERE
2.6 Stats (screenshot): YOUR ANSWER HERE

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): YOUR ANSWER HERE
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): YOUR ANSWER HERE

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N): YOUR ANSWER HERE
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N): YOUR ANSWER HERE
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N): YOUR ANSWER HERE
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N): YOUR ANSWER HERE

DO NOT ADD [ ] to your answers.
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]-Alaa.D KTC App
Post by: Alaa on December 09, 2017, 03:14:21 pm
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name: AlaaEldin
1.2 Age:14
1.3 Gender:Male
1.4 Nationality:Eg
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words):
I'm a 14 years old boy iam a gamer i play many games like LoL,MTA,Stick man the fight,Cross fire and Super meat boy and My life is kindaa Ezz af my study is hard af

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name: Alaa.D
2.2 Your account name:TheGoldMan
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial):3C73B0E1718F5298AAAEAB3CB7C87CA4
2.4 Your previous groups:Hyseria,SWAT Team
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):My time in igc was so awesome i started like a noob and became pro So Now iknow some fight plans/Tricks and if any thing happened to IGC I get back to it and love it imean igc
2.6 Stats (screenshot):

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): Iwant to join crips because some if it are my friends and they are funny/awesome guys ilove them <3 Ilove crips so much since i started playing igc
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words):
I'm active and i have more than 800hour having 1000+ kills and I'm funny xD Ok iam not that much funny,and iwas there without apply so igot kicked and iwant to get back to it #Cripss_For_Life

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N): N
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N):N
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N):N
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N):Y

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: MrMR3B on December 11, 2017, 09:21:43 am

1.1 Your real name:yousef
1.2 Age:15
1.3 Gender:male
1.4 Nationality: egyption
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words):Hello i am yousef form Egypt and i am 15 years old and i started playing this game form two years but this is very enjoyable game.
i was staying in Egypt but i was born in Egypt and my favorite hobby is playing MTA,Football and swimming.
I learned in  Mahfouz school but this is a very wonderful school.
i traveled a lot like the Zoo,the pyramids and the museum

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name:Mr.MR3
2.2 Your account name:RMA22
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial):12A409BF5A666C89F1CB111767AB2843
2.4 Your previous groups:Hystria _HyR_FTW
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):This serfer is one of the best serfers i entered this serfer and set up a group but i did not have the money to do the base Delete this group and entered the group B|D|S and Ca$h out and FTW and i am in this serfer 33 hours.
2.6 Stats (screenshot):

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): i want to enter this group because i help you and do not violate the law bacause it is a professionals team and it is experience is high and is considered the first group in the groups of criminals and he is one of the best group
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): Because i am a professional in the game and all of you too i prefer to be a criminal always and The nember of killers is greater than the number of deaths and i do the rules well.

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N):
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N):
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N):
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N):

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Vali on December 11, 2017, 02:31:53 pm
Your application for the Kilo Tray Crips is DENIED for the following reasons:
1.Not making any effort to make an application (copying people's applications is not allowed and will be denied immediately)

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kingpool on December 13, 2017, 08:22:47 am
@XxFelipeRojasXx and @VedaCoolBoi

Wrong format - read the main post again on how to apply properly. Deleting ur shit in a few hours.
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kingpool on December 13, 2017, 12:45:08 pm
@omar Deif

Wrong format, scroll up and see what a real application is supposed to look like.
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Gemy on December 14, 2017, 08:17:10 am
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name: ahmed gamal
1.2 Age: 17
1.3 Gender: male
1.4 Nationality: egyption
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words): my name ahmed gamal ali from egypt i have 17 years old i study in helwan University i love online games very much i study Management and Business i love action  games and Realistic games very much i love music i love football I play other games like league of legends

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name: Gemy
2.2 Your account name: gemy
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial):  C23C77F0A8CEA5071DCE75039809EB42
2.4 Your previous groups: hys
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):  most of time i play criminal and gangstar but police not much and some other jopes  but the best is to be criminal or gangstar
2.6 Stats (screenshot):

3. Why do you want to join us?
3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): Because crips is very good clan and the other clans are not good at Dealing with the members  and cripes members always active and I want to improve the my skill with you
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): i am active most of time everyday and i played alot and i love to take the turf and help my clan

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N): no
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N): no
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N): no
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N): yes

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: omar Deif on December 14, 2017, 06:29:27 pm
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name: Omar Deif
1.2 Age: 18
1.3 Gender: Male
1.4 Nationality: Egyptian
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words): My name is Omar Deif, I'm 18 years old, I living in Egypt (Cairo), I'm studying in Faculty Of Commerce Cairo University, I'm a gamer, I love playing mta. my favorite hope is watching football matches and I love watching action movies, horror movies and comedy movies. my favorite team is elahly, all of my time i play games.

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name: DeadPool
2.2 Your account name: ApoDeif
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial): 3F6FFCC6B69E296BF59C1572D2248DA3
2.4 Your previous groups: Hystria
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words): I love playing as criminal all the time, I love playing as cop, I love playing as gangster, and I play all jobs, but playing as criminal is my favorite.
2.6 Stats (screenshot):
3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): Because it's the best group in igc and I love this group. and most of my friends are in the group. all group are pros. there are many reasons to join the group.
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words):   Because I spend all my time playing mta i can help in all jobs, I'm a professional killer and turfer and I will help all team.

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N): No
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N): No
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N): No
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N): Yes

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kingpool on December 15, 2017, 03:14:21 am
@gemy and @omar Deif
Your application for the Kilo Tray Crips is DENIED for the following reasons:
1. English is not good enough.
2. Not much effort put into application.
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kingpool on December 19, 2017, 12:41:42 pm
Wrong format, scroll up to see what a real application looks like.
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: #Saint~ on December 21, 2017, 10:41:07 am
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name:pedro jesus
1.2 Age:14
1.3 Gender:Male
1.4 Nationality:chile
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words):I am a super healthy man I like to do sports like playing soccer, running and eating healthily to have a good life just as I dedicate a large part to my studies but what I like most is playing mta

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name:By_CroZz
2.2 Your account name:pedrojesusdurangalleguilloscom
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial): 8C81EF9A876166FB7D317F0698182EB4
2.4 Your previous groups:HYS.FTW
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):I have learned not to break the rules of the server I get along well with administrator's I am someone who does not like to break the rules of a clan and I don't like to disobey.
2.6 Stats (screenshot):
3. Why do you want to join us? was once in this clan but  disobeyed now if they accept me I promise in word that I will not disobey.

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): I was once in this clan but  disobeyed now if they accept me I promise in word that I will not disobey.
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): I want to meet the founder and get along with all the clan members and make good friends.

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N):N
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N):N
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N):N
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N):
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kerw36 on December 24, 2017, 01:20:52 pm
Congratulation By_CroZz, you have been ACCEPTED.
Contact any OG+ for invite ingame.
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kingpool on December 28, 2017, 08:40:41 am
Wrong format, apply again with the right format, stop editing shit.
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: omar Deif on December 29, 2017, 06:50:22 am
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name: Omar Deif
1.2 Age: 18
1.3 Gender: Male
1.4 Nationality: Egyptian
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words): My name is omar dief . from egypt (cairo) . I like to do sports like playing football and basketball.  I love swimming and running. all of my time i playing mta . I dedicate a large part to study. my favorite sport is football and watching movies like horror movies and action movies..but all my time in mta

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name: DeaadPoOl
2.2 Your account name: ApoDEif
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial): 3F6FFCC6B69E296BF59C1572D2248DA3
2.4 Your previous groups: saints
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words): i love play as criminal . and a cop . play trucker . :I have learned not to break the rules of the server or the clan
2.6 Stats (screenshot):

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words):   Because it's the best group in igc and I love this group. and all my freinds in the group . all in the group are pros . i love to play to cips
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words):   Because I spend all my time playing mta . i can play all jobs . iam professional in kill .and i will help all the team

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N): no
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N): no
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N): no
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N): yes

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kingpool on December 29, 2017, 07:11:28 am
Your application for the Kilo Tray Crips is DENIED for the following reasons:
1. Recieved 4 negative votes and 1 positive vote from KTC leaders.
2. Broke rule #2: Must not be in any group when applying:
3. Not much effort put into the application.

Apply again in 3 days with an improved app.
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kingpool on December 29, 2017, 07:14:16 am
@omar Deif
Your application for the Kilo Tray Crips is DENIED for the following reasons:
1. Doesn't meet word requirements on anything.
2. Broke rule #2: Must not be in any group when applying:
3. Bad English.

Apply again in 3 days with an improved app.
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: OmarDeif on January 02, 2018, 06:05:55 am
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name: Omer
1.2 Age: 18
1.3 Gender: Male
1.4 Nationality: Egyption
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words): My name is Omar Dief , i am 18 years old , i am study in faculty of commerce cairo university , My favorite sport is swimming and i am member in swimming team in university , i love hib hob music , my favorite singer is justin bieber , my favorite
movies is horror like the conjuring , My dream is to become a businessman
2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name: DeadPOol
2.2 Your account name: ApoDEif
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial): 3F6FFCC6B69E296BF59C1572D2248DA3
2.4 Your previous groups: Saints
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words): my time in igc tend to crime like robbing banks,betting shops ,weapons shop , atm and i love kill cops and pickpocket him , get money to buy alot of cars and houses , and i love get turfs , group wars
2.6 Stats (screenshot):

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): i want join to us because u are bigger , best , stronger group in igc , i have friends in group want play with him and to develop from myself and benefit from your experience in the game
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): i hope u accept me because i am active in the server , i am playing in the game 310 hours , i am pro in fight , i will respect my group mates and my leaders , i am good in english , i will help the team to become better

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N): no
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N): no
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N): no
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N): yes

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kingpool on January 03, 2018, 05:00:13 am
Your application for the Kilo Tray Crips is DENIED for the following reasons:
1. Received 1 positive vote, 4 negative votes from KTC leaders.
2. Broken English.

Apply again in 3 days with an improved application.
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Jason on January 05, 2018, 09:25:49 pm
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name: Bayrem
1.2 Age: 16
1.3 Gender: Male
1.4 Nationality: Tunisia
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words): My real name is Bayrem Riahi , i'm 16 years old i birth in 8 november 2001 . i have 2 brothers and my parents i live with them in Tunisia ...

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name: Jason
2.2 Your account name: Jason
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial): 75248985FABDBCD80602CCAF35AEF5A2
2.4 Your previous groups: SWAT | USMS | Saints
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words): Sometimes criminal and sometimes work as trucker or photographer to earn money and up my criminal Stats , and help new players how to play in our server ...
2.6 Stats (screenshot):

3. Why do you want to join us?
3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): i want to join Kilo Tray Crips because is active group and pro and all members for now aren't racists they  respect me ,  and it's an old criminal group , skills ...
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): i'm old player in IGC server i know all rules and now most of the time i'm criminal and gangster , i respect all players new and old   ...
4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N): No
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N): No
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N): No
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N): Yes

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Fetamin on January 06, 2018, 05:54:36 am
Your application for Kilo Tray Crips is set to PENDING
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: RxDracula45 on January 06, 2018, 07:05:20 pm
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name:Allen
1.2 Age:16
1.3 Gender:Male
1.4 Nationality:Dutch
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words):Hello ,  My name is Allen i was porn On 22/2/2001 i live in Netherlands , alxe With My sister ,dad, mom , I love To Know New Friends , And Learn New Things In the world , i love playing Swimming, i love Gaming , i Have An gaming Pc , I love PLaying Another Games Like CS:GO , LineofSight , Unturned and More ,  When My Age Was 15 My dad Bought me An Iphone6 I was So Happy That Day , My dad Always Say i am responsible for My sister , I love Netherlands it have alot of Good Things like Friends and The places Where You go , I Always love to try The new things .
2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name:RxDracula
2.2 Your account name:anmar
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial):2A565ED162C87D80B44EC27E3A252384
2.4 Your previous groups:Saints & Hysteria
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):Enjoy Playing with My friends , We always Robbing The ATM Together And Kill the Police together too , Sometimes  my sister Open And play with me We enjoy Our time Together.]
2.6 Stats (screenshot):

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): i love the criminals Group So You are Great Group i would like to Join
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): Bec I will try My best to Get Crips The First criminals group in IGC  ]

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N):n
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N):n
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N):n
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N):y

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Fetamin on January 06, 2018, 08:42:59 pm
Your application for Kilo Tray Crips is ACCEPTED!
Ask any OG+ for an invite.
Congrats and have fun!

Your application for the Kilo Tray Crips is DENIED for the following reasons:
1. Failed 2.6, 3.1 and 3.2.
2. does not meet requirement.
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Bryan on January 18, 2018, 03:38:08 pm
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name:Alysson
1.2 Age:14
1.3 Gender:male
1.4 Nationality:Brazilian
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words):I am Alysson Bryan, I am 14 years old, I like to play in electronic devices, trays and papers, I give my respect to those who give me, I do not like to stand still or get stuck because I go into a state of depression, maybe I be bipolar, which is really bad, I have trouble stirring and I also like to help new players sometimes.

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name:eldiablo
2.2 Your account name:eldiablo
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial):DFAD52FA13D278E86CE10801FE1A3693
2.4 Your previous groups:INFINITI/USMS/SWAT/BULLS/ATLAS
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):with the passage of time I learned not to be stupid with others and learned to be calm with others played, more of course of my form, exeplo: instead of getting a fight I laugh at the other player who is bothering me
2.6 Stats (screenshot): our

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): you're the best criminal group on the server, and it's silly to be a cop, I wanted to join the crips, because I believe the best criminals are members of the kilo crips and I also like your style, they're very close.
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): Well, I'm not bad at being a criminal, I also like some crips members with Kingpool and By crooz, I will respect all members, although some of them I want to kill (> XD).

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N):no
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N):no
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N):no
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N):yes

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Fetamin on January 18, 2018, 08:02:18 pm
Your application for the Kilo Tray Crips is DENIED for the following reasons:
1. Not meet requirements
Quote from: Rules
5. Do not edit your application after applying or you will be be Denied immediately.
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: ElJuanpis on January 18, 2018, 08:08:01 pm
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name:Juan Pablo Blanco
1.2 Age:16
1.3 Gender:Male
1.4 Nationality:Colombia
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words):I am a responsible person who likes sports such as football, swimming and basketball. I also like video games of the genre RPG and I like anime and I play with my IGC friends almost every day and I have many friends on the server and I have a lot of fun with they

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name:XxJuanpisxX
2.2 Your account name:juanpablo147
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial):AA878DDCE7D4D20D8837EB195BB8391
2.4 Your previous groups:TBP NXS HYS FTW
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):Since I joined International Gaming Community, it is the only server I play and I am very active playing 1 hour a day and I get along with all of the server
2.6 Stats (screenshot):

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words):because I admire all the administrators and I want to join their clan to help them and follow their orders without any problem and I will always be available for any job
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words):should accept me because I have no problem in helping people or in following orders of the founders and I respect my superiors always

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N):No
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N):No
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N):No
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N):Yes, with respect

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Bryan on January 21, 2018, 12:40:09 am
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name:Alysson
1.2 Age:14
1.3 Gender:male
1.4 Nationality:Brazilian
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words):I am Alysson Bryan, I am 14 years old, I like to play in electronic devices, trays and papers, I give my respect to those who give me, I do not like to stand still or get stuck because I go into a state of depression, maybe I be bipolar, which is really bad, I have trouble stirring and I also like to help new players sometimes.

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name:eldiablo
2.2 Your account name:eldiablo
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial):DFAD52FA13D278E86CE10801FE1A3693
2.4 Your previous groups:INFINITI/USMS/SWAT/BULLS/ATLAS
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):with the passage of time I learned not to be stupid with others and learned to be calm with others played, more of course of my form, exeplo: instead of getting a fight I laugh at the other player who is bothering me
2.6 Stats (screenshot): our

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): you're the best criminal group on the server, and it's silly to be a cop, I wanted to join the crips, because I believe the best criminals are members of the kilo crips and I also like your style, they're very close.
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): Well, I'm not bad at being a criminal, I also like some crips members with Kingpool and By crooz, I will respect all members, although some of them I want to kill (> XD).

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N):no
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N):no
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N):no
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N):yes

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Fetamin on January 22, 2018, 09:46:40 pm
Your application for the Kilo Tray Crips is DENIED for the following reasons:
1. Failed 4.4
2. You got many negative vote from leader group.

Your application for the Kilo Tray Crips is DENIED for the following reasons:
1. You can not wait ? Blacklist
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: KingMaster on January 27, 2018, 10:50:29 am
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name: Youssef
1.2 Age: 17
1.3 Gender: Male
1.4 Nationality: Egyptian
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words): Hello, my name is Youssef, I'm 17 years old I am living in Alex. let me explain my activites, i have too many friends in my hood we chilling at basketball courts. In my free time, I go out with my friends, I am already wasting most of most time at the school (9-10hours per day) After the school I am just leaving the school area with my friends and going a cafe maybe for 1-2 hours, When I arrive home, I usually play on my PC and generally playing MTA.

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name: SnoWwBoXx
2.2 Your account name: youssef123
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial): FBE785AFBB3C6F4F2C8CB17848320B03
2.4 Your previous groups: BDS, Saints, DEA, Bulls, NXS, FTW,  HyS and Hells
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words): I usually spend my time robbing as criminal with my friends, we love doing criminal activities such as robbing atms, join cnrs, killing cops, robbing some stores and turfing, we sometimes love to play as cop too, not too much but sometimes we like to play as cops.
2.6 Stats (screenshot):

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): I believe I'm ready to join Crips as I have a lot of kills/hours on the server, I believe I have a decent stats, I have some friends who I want to hang out with, rob with them, Crips is one of the best/oldest gangs in the server, I will never let you down.
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): I will always follow rules/respect Crips leaders, will always try to help my group mates, respect high ranks, I will help my mates if needed, will always be active, I will be loyal to the group, and I will be active, and again will never let you down.

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N): N
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N): N
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N): N
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N): Y

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Fetamin on January 27, 2018, 11:53:36 am
Your application for the Kilo Tray Crips is DENIED for the following reasons:
1. You got denied from SWAT then apply us?
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Marx on January 28, 2018, 01:39:58 pm
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name:Ivaylo
1.2 Age:15
1.3 Gender:Male
1.4 Nationality:Bulgarian
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words):I am a young 15 year old male of Bulgarian descent living in Greece.I'm very interested in playing video games and listening to folk and rap music (mostly Slavic),but my main interests are reading and writing books,particularily novels.I love playing on IGC and I would love to join KTC in order to benefit both my gameplay (learn new stuff) and of course,the group.Also,I am a big fan of KTC since they are an excellent group based on criminal activity on IGC.

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name:LilUziVert
2.2 Your account name:Supra
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial):00326-10000-00000-AA372
2.4 Your previous groups:Saints
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):
2.6 Stats (screenshot):

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words):As mentioned before,I would be ecstatic to join KTC since I consider myself to be an active,happy and humourous person with a lot of commitment and appetite to learn new things while simultaneously benefiting KTC and myself.Also,I believe that
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): It is my firm belief that I ought to be accepted into KTC since I am a hardworking and positive member who is willing to participate in every sort of activity related to the group and if need be,donate to the group bank account.

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N):No
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N):No
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N):No
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N):Yes,with respect.

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kingpool on January 28, 2018, 02:58:52 pm
Will give you a chance since your English seems decent.
Your application for Kilo Tray Crips is ACCEPTED!
Ask any OG+ for an invite.
Congrats and have fun!
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: YaSuO secnd account on February 07, 2018, 07:29:36 pm
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name:[Youssef]
1.2 Age:[18]
1.3 Gender:[Male]
1.4 Nationality:[Egyptian]
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words):[Hello, I'm Yousef i was porn 9/10/2000 and i'm from Egypt i live with my mom and my sister and my dog (jack) and my dad got die btw im happy cuze my mom still life and i have My grandmother  its still life to so im happy for that and i work in Coffee Shop for make  my dream come true and my dream I need to be Pilot]

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name:[YaSuO]
2.2 Your account name:[omara2016]
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial):[00412AF7405143E5A4CDA66DD10F4FF3
2.4 Your previous groups:[NXS]
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):[when i join the server i loved to be cop put now cop work make Few money so i loved to be criminal to get money btw i still 1st at cops in the server]
2.6 Stats (screenshot):[]

3. Why do you want to join us?[]

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): [becuse CRIP strong criminal group at the server and have a good players and strong and helpful and im strong player so i wont join crip]
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): [becuse i play alot of time and i'll help for anything in this group and sometime anyone scared from me or he see me pro]

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N):[n]
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N):[n]
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N):[n]
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N):[y]

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Vali on February 11, 2018, 12:05:01 pm
@YaSuO secnd account
Your application for the Kilo Tray Crips is DENIED for the following reasons:
1.An application in broken english is denied immediately.
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Vali on February 11, 2018, 12:05:32 pm
Your application for the Kilo Tray Crips is DENIED for the following reasons:
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kingsta on February 19, 2018, 07:21:50 pm
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name:Hazem Adel
1.2 Age:15
1.3 Gender:Male
1.4 Nationality:Egyption
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words):Hello,I'm HazemAdel at the age of 15 Male,live in Cairo,Egypt,Dar El Salm,i live with my family,Mother,Father and brothers,i have 4 brothers,I'm muslim,I love playing online games with my friends,i love some musics like Hip Hop,Jazz and Rap,my favorate sports is football and basketball,my favorite hobby is searching in space science,I like helping people.

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name:BomBeR
2.2 Your account name:hazemadel
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial):F45D6D65B071986EA47BB76295E4A4A3
2.4 Your previous groups:TBP and GaMeRs
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):On IGC i have learned how to treat
 peoples and staff with all kindness and respect,I have learned how to be skilled player,i have maked alot of friendships it's really great community.
2.6 Stats (screenshot):

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): Because KTC have alot of skilled players,no one in IGC don't know Crips, I like criminal side,KTC is the biggest group in this community Kilo Tray Crips is the best group.
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): Because i'm skilled player useful in turfing wars,helpful,repectful and obey. :-*

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N):N
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N):N
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N):N
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N):Y  ;)

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kingpool on February 20, 2018, 09:37:14 am
Your application for the Kilo Tray Crips is DENIED for the following reasons:
1. Did not receive enough positive votes from leaders.
2. English not good.
3. Low effort - missing word requirements.

You fucked up the format, apply again.
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Adeeb on February 20, 2018, 01:12:53 pm
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name: Ahmed
1.2 Age: 14
1.3 Gender: Male, planning to change but grandma won't let
1.4 Nationality: Egyption
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words): I have nothing to tell about yousef, men are abyousef tho.

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name: Chaka
2.2 Your account name: laka
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial): mum didn't buy me one
2.4 Your previous groups: in you
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words): I make time
2.6 Stats (screenshot): kda 0 terrorism counts 100

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): have big car for my big bomb
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): you dare not

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N): yes
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N): yes
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N): fuck no, I am unique
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N): no

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kingpool on February 21, 2018, 01:20:59 pm
Wrong format.
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN] again
Post by: Kingsta on February 22, 2018, 11:58:23 am
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name:Hazem Adel
1.2 Age:15
1.3 Gender:Male
1.4 Nationality:Egyption
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words):Hello,I'm HazemAdel at the age of 15 Male,live in Cairo,Egypt,Dar El Salm,i live with my family,Mother,Father and brothers,i have 4 brothers,I'm muslim,I love playing online games with my friends,i love some musics like Hip Hop,Jazz and Rap,my favorate sports is football and basketball,my favorite hobby is searching in space science,I like helping people.

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name:EsCaPeR
2.2 Your account name:hazemadel
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial):F45D6D65B071986EA47BB76295E4A4A3
2.4 Your previous groups:TBP and GaMeRs
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):On IGC i have learned how to be with peoples and staff with all kindness and respect,I have learned how to be skilled player,i have maked alot of friendships it's really great community.
2.6 Stats (screenshot):

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): Because KTC have alot of skilled players,no one in IGC don't know Crips, I like criminal side,KTC is the biggest group in this community Kilo Tray Crips is the best group.
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): Because  I like criminal side,I like turf war,trying to be best in English,i can be translator to  group members if they  need to  know anything in arabic because 90% of IGC players is arabians.

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N):N
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N):N
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N):N
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N):Y

I hope group leaders give me positively votes  :D
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: 69'Venom on February 22, 2018, 05:34:59 pm
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name:Shaheed Ally
1.2 Age:15
1.3 Gender:Male
1.4 Nationality:Antiguan
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words):Hello my name is shaheed ally and i live with my parents and my sister in antigua i attend to jennings secondary school i am in the 3rd Grade in High school and my interests are basketball, i just enjoy the versus and the challenge so that's all about me that i can describe

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name:Venom
2.2 Your account name:Venom
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial):8FDB2C4F012EACE2FAD356D5D5BD0FA1
2.4 Your previous groups:BDS only
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):My time in IGC has been amazing i've join BDS since i joined couple good days, i have worked a lot and turfed for BDS and robbed shops, i'm currently trying to become a staff in IGC to  test my self and to challenge my self but that is not only why
2.6 Stats (screenshot):I do not know how to put screenshots here

3. Why do you want to join us? I want to join Kilo  Tray crips for an Experience of my life and team of my life and to serve beside some great soldiers and hope to become good as them and also i want to do a lot of turfing and adventure in Kilo Tray Crips with my members and the Head Quarters team to fight with them a beside them in there battles and there wars so basically this is why i want to join  Kilo Tray Crips

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words):
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words):

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N):N
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N):N
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N):N
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N):Y

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kingpool on February 24, 2018, 11:46:28 am
Your application for Kilo Tray Crips is ACCEPTED!
Received 4/7 positive votes, 2 were absent.
Ask any OG+ for an invite.
Congrats and have fun!
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kingpool on February 24, 2018, 11:48:48 am
Your application for the Kilo Tray Crips is DENIED for the following reasons:
1. Received 4/7 negative votes, 3 were absent.
2. Bad English - feels google translated.
Feel free to improve your app and apply again in 3 days.
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: DeadPool on February 24, 2018, 04:16:37 pm
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name: Omar Deif
1.2 Age: 18
1.3 Gender: Male
1.4 Nationality: Egyptian
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words): Hello, my name is Omar, I was born on August,20 1999.I Live in Egypt,Cairo with my family.with brother,i have 2brothers. I love to know  new people,and talk with him. I am self-confident.that's best thing in My character.I love sports like football and handball.I love travilng,lesting to music and watch Movies like Action,horror and Sciences Fiction Movies. I can play piano that's my best Musical instument.I can speak German but my first language is English.about my education i'm study in faculty of commerce cairo university.finaly i love read books so much ..

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name: DeadPoOl
2.2 Your account name: ApoDeif
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial): 3F6FFCC6B69E296BF59C1572D2248DA3
2.4 Your previous groups: Dea
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words): well i'm active all day playing mta my best job in mta is playing as criminal i'm level 27 in criminal .and play as cop but i don't love it then i want to join crips because it's the best criminal group in igc but i respect all members and respect the rules .and love playing as trucker .. but i love play as criminal
2.6 Stats (screenshot):

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): Crips is great criminal group. all members are helpful.all play together like rock.all group's members are pros i have afreinds in crips and i love it .it's amost powrful group in igc.
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): i have many freinds in group .i respect all rules and all admins . i will help all group members ..i'm professional in criminal :D GOod killer .. respect all mates

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N): N
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N): N
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N): N
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N): Y

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kingpool on February 26, 2018, 11:15:20 am
Your application for the Kilo Tray Crips is DENIED for the following reasons:
1. You received 4 negative votes, 3 absent.
Improve your English and application then apply again.
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kingsta on February 27, 2018, 10:57:30 am
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name:Hazem Adel
1.2 Age:15
1.3 Gender:Male
1.4 Nationality:Egyption
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words):Hello,I'm HazemAdel at the age of 15 Male,live in Cairo,Egypt,Dar El Salm,
i live with my family,Mother,Father and brothers,i have 4 brothers,I'm muslim
I love playing online games with my friends,i love some musics like Hip Hop,Jazz and Rap,
my favorate sports is football and basketball,my favorite hobby is searching in space science,
I like helping people.

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name:EsCaPeR
2.2 Your account name:hazemadel
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial): F45D6D65B071986EA47BB76295E4A4A3
2.4 Your previous groups:waffen ss KNights and TBP
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):   i have created a group and been on of famous players
in server i'm level 20 in crimnals , i'm a good turf player , i'm one of fastest lockers bank ropper
i'm also got a lot of premades players in IGC and i was lucky to get to know few people from staff and i'm enjoying playing the game .

2.6 Stats (screenshot):

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): Because this group one of the finest groups in the game and i want to be on of the members so i
 can be as everyone else in group and i want to be helpful as i can to the group so i can help
and you also you guys guys help me in anytime you needed me , cuz we can be a family .
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): i'm an good player with 313 hours play in MTA and also i don't have one account i got few accounts ,
 i'm a good turf player , level 20 in crimnal mode , fast player and smart.

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N):N :-*
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N):N :-*
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N):N :V
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N):Y  :-*

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN] [stats screenshot]s
Post by: Kingsta on February 27, 2018, 11:56:59 am
i hope that dont Impact at my app
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kerw36 on March 08, 2018, 02:27:51 pm
I'm gonna give you a chance with us dude.
Ask any OG+ for an invite.
Congrats and have fun!
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Belal on March 12, 2018, 04:09:08 pm
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name:Belal
1.2 Age:16
1.3 Gender:male
1.4 Nationality:Egyptain
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words):Hello iam belal abd el hamed at the age of 16 male,i live in Dar el salam,Cairo,Egypt,i live with my big family,i have 3 brother and 1 sister,iam in the high school , study Arabic,english and French,i favorate sports is football,swimming and basketball,my favorate hobby is reading.

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name:Sweet
2.2 Your account name:Belal1010
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial): 7CDF7B0C56F524B0FA7851EEC20AE452
2.4 Your previous groups:Nexus,FTW and KNiGhTs
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):My time in igc was so awesome i started like a noob and became pro So Now iknow some fight plans/Tricks and if any thing happened to IGC I get back to it and love it imean igc.
2.6 Stats (screenshot):

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): Iwant to join crips because some if it are my friends and they are funny/awesome guys ilove them <3 Ilove crips so much since i started playing igc
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): I want to meet the founder and get along with all the clan members and make good friends.

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N):N
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N):N
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N):N
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N):Y

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: !MaDy on March 15, 2018, 12:04:35 pm
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name: Karim Alaa
1.2 Age: 16
1.3 Gender: male
1.4 Nationality: Egyptian
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words): Hello there my name is karim alaa elmestekawy ,i still studying in the 10th grade ,i love games like (MTA:SA,CS:GO,Etc...) i love cats and dogs i have here 8 Cats don't ask me how  XD ,love playing with my friends I kinda love to help the poor people in real life and i am trying to be a new person.

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name: !Mady
2.2 Your account name: Maddghost
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial): 6FEE1EDFA993A0EBCEA1884E4162EC04
2.4 Your previous groups: Nexus Squad
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words): i really enjoy my time from the first min in IGC i got alot of friends , i am a known person in IGC i have good respect and  i got some real friends there
2.6 Stats (screenshot):

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): I would like to Join crip's bec It's my Only Family on IGC and there in crip's the only persons that they really Helped me at my Hours In That server
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): Cuz i will help crip's alot as i can and will try to make Crip's better than any group in IGC even better than SWAT  ::).

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N): N.
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N): N.
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N): N.
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N): Y.

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Nock on March 15, 2018, 02:39:22 pm
@!MaDy i'm glad to tell you that your application is ACCEPTED
 Welcome back don't screw up again
Ask any OG+ for an invite.
Congrats and have fun!
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Nock on March 15, 2018, 02:47:41 pm
@Belal i have the regret to inform you that Your application for the Kilo Tray Crips is DENIED for the following reasons:
1.An application in broken english is denied immediately.
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Shomile on March 15, 2018, 02:55:29 pm
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name: Ahmed Mahmed
1.2 Age: 11
1.3 Gender: Transgender, rater not spsify
1.4 Nationality: aim from nigeria
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words): hy guys I am ahmed I am from Nigeria I conmsidre maiself as a independent black transman/whamen, I love crebe grub cuz they best grub on serber igc, I lobe igc cuz it has good player and very fun I am very good criminal lvl 20 and a lot of kil cop

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name: AhmedMahmed
2.2 Your account name: ahmed4presidento
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial): wat serial
2.4 Your previous groups: husi mafia, for the win and meni mour
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words): its very fan I kil cops and truf  a lot on this serber
2.6 Stats (screenshot): kil:2134 deth: 3

3. Why do you want to join us? I wanta join cribs becuze you are can the best grub on serber igc you got a lot of xp and very guud base s, and we fack the sweat nigggers

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words):
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): becuz I'm good creminal

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N): no
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N): idk men if you be gud I no
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N): yes
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N):no

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Nock on March 15, 2018, 02:59:18 pm
@Shomile i heff thi rigret 2 innforme youe thatte Youre applicationne 4 the Kilo Gram Crips is dinayed 4 the folowing rizons:
1.An applicatione ine brokenne inglishe iz dinayed imedetly

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: ThunderXIII on March 20, 2018, 06:44:25 am
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name:Gawad
1.2 Age:17
1.3 Gender:Male
1.4 Nationality:arabic
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words):My name In server Is RB-Thunder-RPG and i'm play football everyday and i'm started play MTA.SA from 2010 and I'm I can Help everyone need anything and keep him happy from me.

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name:RB-Thunder-RPG
2.2 Your account name:ThunderXIII
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial):C965272BA57BE1B2973DF3B597B5EE02
2.4 Your previous groups:none
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):On IGC I have learned to be respectful with people and with admins and well i started this server before 1 months  but i have enjoyed my time here
2.6 Stats (screenshot):

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): like that group and i have friends there and i love the criminals Group and i have friends there that why i wanna join CRIP.
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): want to be accepted that I have many friends in the clan,and I want to be with you in group to promote me.

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N):no
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N):no
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N):no
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N):yes

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kingpool on March 20, 2018, 07:03:01 am
Your application for the Kilo Tray Crips is DENIED for the following reasons:
1. Low effort.
2. Broken English - feels Google Translated.

Improve your English and apply again.
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Lee on April 09, 2018, 08:48:44 am
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name: Himaa edine aamira, barbarian name.
1.2 Age: I'll be 19 in 15th of april.
1.3 Gender: male
1.4 Nationality: Tunisian
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words):18 years old student who likes to play games, read books and jam with guitar.

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name:Lee
2.2 Your account name: HitcheR
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial): F62EEFF6B22A55AE920F33F22FD2DD03
2.4 Your previous groups: Ca$hoC, WSB and KTC.
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):I play IGC not for fame or to reach a goal. I play IGC for pleasure, I'm an old player and well known.
2.6 Stats (screenshot):
Spoiler: show

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): I stayed in KTC for more than a year and I'm willing to stay for longer
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): cuz I'm the only pedophile in IGC

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N): N, but if I see Nizwa IG then sorry I'm gonna have to troll him.
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N): N
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N): N
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N): Y

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kerw36 on April 09, 2018, 09:02:42 am
Your application for Kilo Tray Crips is ACCEPTED!
Ask any OG+ for an invite.
Congrats and have fun!
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Marx on April 09, 2018, 06:11:41 pm
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name:Vladimir Lushkovski
1.2 Age:17
1.3 Gender:Male
1.4 Nationality:Bulgarian (Resident of Greece)
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words):My name is Vladimir Lushkovski.I am 17 year old Bulgarian living in Greece with my family near Athens.I am an L2 staff member on our server and my main interests in life are playing video games,reading and writing books,studying sociology,listening to Slavic folk music but mainly,I think that I'm a very energetic and happy person with a lot of emotion for certain things like IGC.I'm a calm person at all times and I rarely get stressed and nervous/angry about issues.I believe that if I can say 1 thing that's good about me it definitely has to be my immense love for the Balkan region.I love the Balkans more than I love myself.I feel like I belong to this region and not my family.I originate from almost all Balkan countries and I feel very proud having Slavic/Balkan roots even though I was born in the land of civilization,Greece.

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name:[IGC]Marx
2.2 Your account name:BackTheFackUp
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial):Can't open MTA right now.
2.4 Your previous groups:SWP
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):My time on IGC has been great.I've met some great people,have contributed to the propserity of IGC and I'm an L2 Staff.It has been a fabulous journey until now and I adore this community.I'm one of the most active members of this community and I love everything about being a part of it.I have plenty of good friends on IGC who have supported me even on real life issues.All I can say,is a big thank you to this community.
2.6 Stats (screenshot):Can't access MTA right now

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): I want to come back to KTC.It's the place where I belong.There are some great people there and some really good friends of mine that really make me want to come back to KTC.I feel that I could contribute to the prosperity of KTC with my ideas and vision for everything and to be honest,I want to join to be with my people,my friends.
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): I want to be given one final chance.I acknowledge the fact that I fucked up leaving for the arch rival of KTC,and I'm sorry.Everyone makes mistakes and I really hope to be given my chance.I love KTC.I love the atmosphere,the people.My friends,my people are in KTC.It's the place where I belong even though I fucked up.

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N):No
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N):No
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N):No
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N):Yes

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Shomile on April 09, 2018, 06:21:14 pm
Your application for Kilo Tray Crips is ACCEPTED!
Ask any OG+ for an invite.
Congrats and have fun!
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Nock on April 27, 2018, 07:41:13 am
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name:Heidi or Hedi ( As you like it's the same )
1.2 Age:16
1.3 Gender:I call myself You cause i think that we are all the same person inside
1.4 Nationality: Tunision
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words):You are a student in Science but you're actually trying to change into economic studies cause you messed up and you realized it pretty much too late ... You also are a poor person that only plays F2P Games cause your dad refuses to pay you games since your school results are ... Dissapointing let's say 

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name:Nock
2.2 Your account name:SexMepPlease
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial):344F8735793D953FD570C3CF499A6EF4
2.4 Your previous groups:Kilo Gram Crips
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):You love medic and you played in a group called Kilo Tray Crips before leaving it to make another group in order to wake up the civilian side and i'll judge the civilian #WakeMeUp as : A failure you had a good run to be honest .. And you're now trying to join your " Mother Group " the first group you played cause... you want it ? so yeah that's it xd
2.6 Stats (screenshot):Confidencial informations cannot be given sorry

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): Cause you want it , and you always try to get what you want in life in general
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): Why should you accept me ? , The true question is Why shouldn't you accept me ? Cause you're a toxic piece of garbage " You didn't say that Nezowa did .

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N): :thinking:
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N): :thinking:
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N):Nope
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N): :thinking:

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kingpool on April 27, 2018, 07:50:39 am
Your application for the Kilo Tray Crips is DENIED for the following reasons:
1. Wrong format
2. No effort
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Nock on April 29, 2018, 05:45:47 pm
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name: Hedi
1.2 Age: 16
1.3 Gender: Male
1.4 Nationality: Tunisian
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words): Well i have more virtual friends than real ones even tho i consider some of my gaming friends as true friends .. yeah that's weird each year i'm the only weird boy in my class and i  don't know how such details will change anything but that's it i have a brother who shares the same passion as me but .. life and time seperated us ? sort of ? i mean i won't say more about that so yeah ! that's it about me i mean the me at the moment cause i won't write a book about my existance

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name: Nock
2.2 Your account name: SexMepPlease
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial): 344F8735793D953FD570C3CF499A6EF4
2.4 Your previous groups: Kilo Tray Crips / SWP
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words): A great time , made up some friends made some projects i always looked for the well being of the server in general , i still remember the first day i started playing on the server i was with my friend and i told him like : Hey dude the game sucks but the community is gucci : Or something like that in tunisian ( it was an approx traduction ) so yeah ! Great time no regrets nothing .. Shit happens of course this is not a fairy tail but yeah cool shit .
2.6 Stats (screenshot):

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): The main cause is that i used to be on this group and i did never want to leave it ... well i'm sure you who is reading this application know the story and shit i aint gonna talk about it or debate about it .. so yeah the main cause is that i never wanted to leave but i did and now i'm trying to come back
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): I TAKE JOKES VERY WELL i also am kinda active ? yeah let's say that active i also have some decent fighting skills focus on the word DECENT cause it doesn't mean intrustion level .

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N): Yes
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N): No
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N): No
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N): Yes

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kingpool on May 01, 2018, 05:31:36 am
I wanna back to KTC I was kidding u I dont know why angry  :thinking: :(

You're blacklisted, find another group.
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kingpool on May 01, 2018, 07:28:40 am
Your application for the Kilo Tray Crips is DENIED for the following reasons:
1. Didn't receive enough positive votes:

Feel free to apply again in 3 days with an improved app.
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Ekko on May 02, 2018, 07:13:17 am
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name:Hossam
1.2 Age:16
1.3 Gender:white male with big dick Xd
1.4 Nationality:Eg
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words):Hi there im Hossam ali sehleya i live with me family Father,mother,2 brothers and my dog his name is gogo my grandba bought it for me ,me and my family live in Egypt Giza near the pyramids,i like playing online games and i always chose the criminal side cuz its awesome ,got a nice girl friend she was the best thing happens to me we loved each other after 2 year's she died from cancer im very sad about her cuz i love her too much i will not never forgot her.  :(

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name:Bad-Pirate
2.2 Your account name:Ekko
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial):9DCDCDCDBB726E9FEF8A241B192C4783
 this serial from Cafe cuz my laptop need fix
2.4 Your previous groups:i dont remember i thing STCC and its useless
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):My time in IGC was Awesome i started like noop and learned every thing about IGC and still learning,made some friendships and trying to be known by good way .
2.6 Stats (screenshot):

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): Cuz its not normal group its special group it dont accept any dumb they accept only awesome people im trying to join cuz there is 2 bases most of staff team is in so its trusted group and i thing crips have 2 skins  and want  to be friend the known players like nizwa,adeeb and every one.
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): i dont like talking much about my self but i thing u should accept me cuz i have some skillz in english and some skillz in fighting too.

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N):N
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N):Never
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N):Nope
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N):Sure.i dont want get kicked XD

i hope get accepted cuz i love this group and i know im not professional in english  :-*  :V
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kingpool on May 02, 2018, 10:10:01 am
Your application for the Kilo Tray Crips is DENIED for the following reasons:
1. English isn't the greatest.
2. Didn't receive enough positive votes from leaders. 0 positive, 5 negative, 4 absent.

Improve your English and application and apply again in 3 days if you want.
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Huge1 on June 05, 2018, 10:24:48 am
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name:Belal
1.2 Age:16
1.3 Gender:Male
1.4 Nationality:Egyptian
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words)::I’m Belal. I was born on Egypt and now I’m 16 years old .I live with my family in Cairo. I have got two brothers and no sister and I’m the youngest.
In my free time I like to do a lots of things like: reading long stories, listening to peot, shopping , swimming , and playing computer games.
When I was in primary I was in Mohamed nageb school then I moved to al- salam Intermediate school and now I’m in Elfostat secondary school. My favorite subjects are sport, Arabic and English..friends we visit each other and have fun. I think the friend ship is the most beautiful thing in this life and I don’t thing that there is someone can live without it.
In the future I would like to be an effective man in my society and others regardless of the area which I will effect on whether in education, health or other.At the end I would like to thank you and i hope you like our project

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name:SweeT
2.2 Your account name:belal1010
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial):A79D5AC3E7C15A12EE21B42AA6C3BC94
2.4 Your previous groups:WSB
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):Well, i left from crips one times cuz my friends controled my brain and i felt sorry for that so i decided to do apply also i now realized the value of the work in crip also and i need one chance and i promise you i dont break anyrules

2.6 Stats (screenshot):

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): Well,No one can deny that crip is best group in IGC so anyone wants join crip so i applied this application to become one of  members of crips
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): Well, iam very helpful such as iam playing as gangster and as criminal and i think i didnt play as cop yet and
 I will respect my group mates and my leaders.
4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N):N
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N):N
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N):N
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N):Y

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kingpool on June 12, 2018, 05:07:16 am
Your application for the Kilo Tray Crips is DENIED for the following reasons:
i need one chance and i promise you i dont break anyrules
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Dief on June 20, 2018, 05:13:09 pm
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name:yosef deif
1.2 Age:17
1.3 Gender:male
1.4 Nationality:eg
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words):Umm hi, iam yosef deif I live in Egypt, Cairo ,I live with my mother ,sister and my elder brother I love my family so much I have dog his name is boika I love it cuz it's very strong , I like playing online games like Lol and MTA and im experienced player with 490 hours ana I like sharing my experience with the new players.

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name:Iron-Cut
2.2 Your account name:Hulk
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial):E1F7198BA12F4DD9337CC66593A45F03
2.4 Your previous groups:nexus and crimson
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):I have learned alot from IGC like robbing banks, hijack cars ,shops etc.. I have leared how to fuck cops by making traps and learned some fight styles.
2.6 Stats (screenshot):

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): Because it's awesome group and respected everyone want join it but its for only special players I was in KTC but I left it  because i tried to help my elder brother deadpool in his group (crimson) but I found it boring .
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): Because I like ktc and I found it the best group ever and iam so sorry for that I left crip i just tried to help my brother.

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N):n
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N):n
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N):n
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N):y

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kingpool on June 20, 2018, 05:53:26 pm
Your application for the Kilo Tray Crips is DENIED for the following reasons:
I was in KTC but I left it  because i tried to help my elder brother deadpool in his group (crimson) but I found it boring .
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: henkish on July 07, 2018, 11:21:54 pm
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name:mahmoud
1.2 Age:18
1.3 Gender:male
1.4 Nationality:egyption
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words):My name is Mahmoud from Egypt. I love my friends. I have three sisters and my favorite sports is football and swimming. I like the server igc because I have friends there. I love animals and I have a dog called jak.

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name:Adele
2.2 Your account name:ahmedtaha111111
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial):  41105D6601C32E7D77E6606592
2.4 Your previous groups:crimson and fTw
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):i like to play as a criminal beat cops and have a good time robbing banks and betting shops and I like to help new members My time IGC has been a lot of fun.I have farmed money with my friends hetmitand mady its been a lot of fun because the server never gets boring
2.6 Stats (screenshot):

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): I want to become one of the Crips and help others with the other Crips and I have a lot of friends in crips and I like to play as a criminal too much so I can help the members in the group to kill cops.
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): You should accept me because im really helpful and im online almost everyday.I will help new and other people.

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N):y
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N):y
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N):y
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N):y

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kerw36 on July 09, 2018, 08:21:45 pm
Your application for the Kilo Tray Crips is DENIED for the following reasons:
1. Read the Agreement questions before answering YES to every single one of them.
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: belalpop on July 13, 2018, 09:40:15 pm
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name: Abd el-Rahman talaat
1.2 Age: 16
1.3 Gender: Male
1.4 Nationality: Egyptian
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words): I'm an Egyptian guy who lives in Cairo, have 16 years old, I've many friends ig from real life, I'm a good IGC Criminal as well, and a trusted member with other players, I had been invited my neighbors and relatives to IGC, some of them are in crips btw :), this is my personality.

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name: Arnold
2.2 Your account name: belalpop
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial): 204CF4546099FEF943D73882F9CDAC03
2.4 Your previous groups: hysteria, ca$hout(old one), raScals
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words): i joined IGC in 2017, I'm online always IG and i really loved this server, my skills is pretty good in killing, fighting, robbing, actually I'm a good criminal and my friends like playing with me.
2.6 Stats (screenshot):

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): because I'm an old IGC player, most of my friends are in crips and i wanna be with them, ofc because I'm a good player and criminal :)
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): because I'll trust all rules and I'll be a good crip member, if you found me wasting the rules just kick me without even telling me.

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N): N
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N): N
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N): N
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N): Y

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: belalpop on July 15, 2018, 05:23:26 pm
Note: sorry for the edit, but i had a mistake in account name so i edited it. :)
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Dief on July 21, 2018, 05:16:10 pm
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name:Yousief
1.2 Age:17
1.3 Gender:Male
1.4 Nationality:Egyptian
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words):Hey there, My name is Yousief dief and i love playing action games like MTA ,Cross Fire etc.. ,I feel like I belong to this region and not my family.I Always love to try The new things .
2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name:Dief
2.2 Your account name:Hulk
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial):E1F7198BA12F4DD9337CC66593A45F03
2.4 Your previous groups:[/b]NXS FTW
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):in fact i found my time in IGC is very good because i have many friends,they rob with me in  a long time also, i found me love playing as criminal more than cop so my activity in criminal side is pretty, on other hand , i found this group is the best crim group in IGC , at the end i found me pro in crim side so i decided to be a member in crip.
2.6 Stats (screenshot):
3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): i would like to join crip because its criminal group which i can use my skills in it as it has many things belong to criminal side also i want to join crip because i will try do my best to increase my activity to better and i promise that my activity will continue to better.however, i will try ti find other noob  criminals to teach them as i can.
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): because i will do all things which group staff will tell me to do it also i will respect other members and trying to help them as well also i will do their orders as soon ass possible  , so so please give me another chance and i promise you  i will dont fuck up this chance
4. Agreement
4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N):N
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N):N
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N):N
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N):Y

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: Kerw36 on July 23, 2018, 10:18:25 am
Your application for the Kilo Tray Crips is DENIED for the following reasons:
1. Majority of leaders voted for denying you and you were also blacklisted.  Dont apply again. Good luck elsewhere.

Your application for the Kilo Tray Crips is DENIED for the following reasons:
1. Blacklisted. Don't apply again. Good luck elsewhere.
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPEN]
Post by: ArTeX on February 09, 2019, 06:22:40 pm
1.1 Your real name:Mohamed errabbah
1.2 Age:16
1.3 Gender:Male
1.4 Nationality:Moroco
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words):My name is Mohamed I am 16 years old I live in Morocco I have a small family 2 brother

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name:SneaXiE
2.2 Your account name:Buggati2017
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial):08C18A2B40615BE063A0B7431ABB23F2
2.4 Your previous groups:K!NG$ CR3W
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):I'm in most of the time in the game and I want to join this team because I love it and I'm out of it
I hope you will accept me because I love this team :-* ;)
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center
Post by: TicTic on February 14, 2020, 01:13:54 pm
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name:OmarEmad
1.2 Age:17
1.3 Gender:Male
1.4 Nationality:Egyptian
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words):My real name is Omar. I am 17 years old. I am an Egyptian. I live in Alexandria. I love my family and I have 5 brothers. I love my school. I love my studies. I like playing football. I love playing swimming and computer games. I am not married. I live with my family only. I'm in high school and I love friends and I care about sports. I study in middle school as an excellent student and my grades are perfect so I'm going to specialize in physics and computer and it's last year in prep school and I will self-determination at the same time so I will not bother myself with something that does not help me In the future so I will reduce the playing of games on computers so I work hard to get excellent grades and qualify for the most excellent grade in school, football team coaches is to praise my father for my behavior and football skills so I am captain of the football team at the earliest Time I get p I have a few goals and I work as hard as I can to be the best captain and the best person in terms of behavior towards his teammates. It's a good decision to become the best football player in the world and that's an achievement but I do not think it's the best in the world because it's very difficult. Also, the best football team FC Barcelona because it has won many games especially in the Classico (match of the year), this I prefer them and have professional football players. At the end of the story, I hope to achieve the best achievements I hope to achieve in my life, I hope enough to learn more about my real life information.

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name:TicTic
2.2 Your account name:OmarEmad
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial):226BF03262092248138B35BEDF7D6DA3
2.4 Your previous groups:FTW&SWAT&BO&K$C&[CrimSon]
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):I Start playing IGC from 2019 I start working as pilot then and I working at cop I learned some things from my friends in the IGC and I started to work for the purchase of automobiles, aircraft and got to know new friends. I started watching people play MTA when it first came out and when I find out that there's a role playing server which called IGC I created an account, used it, and here I am now! IGC has always been a very fun game and looked very fun from the beginning whether I was watching or just playing the game by myself messing around with friends out side LV or giving myself some lessons to learn how to fight, being a skilled player possibilities were endless, which is why I'm still playing IGC today, still one of my favorite games! I am a friendly guy, helping people is one of the small (sometimes big) things that makes my in game life a little better and more interesting, when I first started playing, I had a ton of questions like every other new player would, I unfortunately had to figure out most of it myself, recently I wanted to be a part of a law group,  I found out that law life isn't my place, thats all, Then continued my IGC life normally as a criminal
2.6 Stats (screenshot): & &

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): because I want to join in loyal and active group just give me one chance and you will see by yourself I am loyal or no I accept any group order never refuse it I will obey all members never flame anyone from the alliance or in any chat if I leave Crip put me in the BL but I never leave it because Crip is my best group ever  :-* also I like the pizza <_3 ;D
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): i'm an good player with 120 hours play in MTA and also i don't have one account i got few accounts ,
 i'm a good turf player , level 7 in crimnal

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N):n
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N):n
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N):n
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N):y

Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center
Post by: Alaa on February 14, 2020, 02:18:16 pm
1. Real Life Info

1.1 Your real name:OmarEmad
1.2 Age:17
1.3 Gender:Male
1.4 Nationality:Egyptian
1.5 Tell us something about yourself (minimum 50 words):My real name is Omar. I am 17 years old. I am an Egyptian. I live in Alexandria. I love my family and I have 5 brothers. I love my school. I love my studies. I like playing football. I love playing swimming and computer games. I am not married. I live with my family only. I'm in high school and I love friends and I care about sports. I study in middle school as an excellent student and my grades are perfect so I'm going to specialize in physics and computer and it's last year in prep school and I will self-determination at the same time so I will not bother myself with something that does not help me In the future so I will reduce the playing of games on computers so I work hard to get excellent grades and qualify for the most excellent grade in school, football team coaches is to praise my father for my behavior and football skills so I am captain of the football team at the earliest Time I get p I have a few goals and I work as hard as I can to be the best captain and the best person in terms of behavior towards his teammates. It's a good decision to become the best football player in the world and that's an achievement but I do not think it's the best in the world because it's very difficult. Also, the best football team FC Barcelona because it has won many games especially in the Classico (match of the year), this I prefer them and have professional football players. At the end of the story, I hope to achieve the best achievements I hope to achieve in my life, I hope enough to learn more about my real life information.

2. In-game Info

2.1 Your In-game name:TicTic
2.2 Your account name:OmarEmad
2.3 Serial (F8 - serial):226BF03262092248138B35BEDF7D6DA3
2.4 Your previous groups:FTW&SWAT&BO&K$C&[CrimSon]
2.5 Tell us something about your time in IGC (minimum 30 words):I Start playing IGC from 2019 I start working as pilot then and I working at cop I learned some things from my friends in the IGC and I started to work for the purchase of automobiles, aircraft and got to know new friends. I started watching people play MTA when it first came out and when I find out that there's a role playing server which called IGC I created an account, used it, and here I am now! IGC has always been a very fun game and looked very fun from the beginning whether I was watching or just playing the game by myself messing around with friends out side LV or giving myself some lessons to learn how to fight, being a skilled player possibilities were endless, which is why I'm still playing IGC today, still one of my favorite games! I am a friendly guy, helping people is one of the small (sometimes big) things that makes my in game life a little better and more interesting, when I first started playing, I had a ton of questions like every other new player would, I unfortunately had to figure out most of it myself, recently I wanted to be a part of a law group,  I found out that law life isn't my place, thats all, Then continued my IGC life normally as a criminal
2.6 Stats (screenshot): & &

3. Why do you want to join us?

3.1 Why do you want to join us? (minimum 30 words): because I want to join in loyal and active group just give me one chance and you will see by yourself I am loyal or no I accept any group order never refuse it I will obey all members never flame anyone from the alliance or in any chat if I leave Crip put me in the BL but I never leave it because Crip is my best group ever  :-* also I like the pizza <_3 ;D
3.2 Why should we accept you? (minimum 20 words): i'm an good player with 120 hours play in MTA and also i don't have one account i got few accounts ,
 i'm a good turf player , level 7 in crimnal

4. Agreement

4.1 I will troll and spam Crips members. (Y/N):n
4.2 I will leave Crips after 2 weeks. (Y/N):n
4.3 I copied my application from another person. (Y/N):n
4.4 I will respect my group mates and my leaders. (Y/N):y

Denied for lying.
Title: Re: Kilo Tray Crips - Application Center [OPENED]
Post by: Nock on March 04, 2020, 01:21:53 pm
Applications are now open feel free to apply .
Use the correct format !
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