
Author Topic: GIGN 1 Month Anniversary  (Read 4377 times)

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Offline Marx

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GIGN 1 Month Anniversary
« on: June 08, 2018, 01:48:30 pm »

Groupe d'Intervention de la Gendarmerie Nationale

GIGN Anniversary and Medal Awards

Today, 8th of June, the GIGN reached L2, 1 month since the creation of this group. It was a difficult start, not going to lie, we went through periods where we were 3 members, we went through perk controversy and restriction, we went through semi-inactivity, we went through the resignation of our ex-Colonel, @Nock , we went through administration and recruitment problems but in the end, it was totally worth it. We, 4 people extremely new to Law (StealthGamer, Nock , Marx, Lee) managed to create and administrate a stable, until now, group which is a worthy presence in the IGC Law side. To enlist for life, is our motto, and we have done everything this implies. We never gave up, nor we ever will. Any sort of sabotage and insult shall be frowned upon by GIGN. We're strong and we're stable enough. We have loyal and active members, we have people who are worthy to wear our uniform and have the title '' GIGN Unit ''. I, Colonel Marx of the GIGN , am proud for this group, this family we've created. It is a true honour being in a good condition despite problems and sabotage. When we created this group, 8th of May, we passed our first two weeks dealing with controversy, problems, and few members. We managed to recruit some members via our Recruitment Desk and in-game invitations and we have managed to be stable and active enough with daily training sessions and disciplinary operations. I'm proud for this team, and I will always be proud.

The best thing to do right now, is to award the medals to the GIGN members for this month. Each medal is truely deserved and I'd like to congratulate all GIGN units.

Helicopter Combat Medal awarded to : Caeser, Danger, Ruben , Juanpis , Pablo , Cassie.
Air Combat Medal awarded to: Rh4rd14, Danger
Armor Combat Medal awarded to: All GIGN Units, well done to everybody.
Good Conduct Medal awarded to: All GIGN Units, well behaved.

Of course, GIGN Medal of Honour and Soldier of the Month go to : Ex-Colonel Nock of the GIGN , who fought with grace and bravery, having served the GIGN with everything he could before his kind resignation. Farewell, Colonel Nock, hope to see you again in the GIGN.
- IGC member since '17
- Ex L4 Staff member
- Proud founder and Sec. Gen. of the SWP
- Proud founder and worker of the CTA
- Proud former GIGN colonel (before SG fucked everything)

Offline Nock

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Re: GIGN 1 Month Anniversary
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2018, 03:44:34 pm »
A heart is what you get <3


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Re: GIGN 1 Month Anniversary
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2018, 05:12:46 pm »
Firstly, I would like to thank Marx for his amazing work and everything he did for GIGN is an honor having a camarade like him; Thanks Man You're a great Colonel;
Secondly, Nock; it is an honor, you were a great commander. Sadly you had to leave MTA;
We've been through a lot this month. So we must stick with the good work for 3 months 1 year 2 years, no matter what. We are a team. We will always be.
Our goal is to be the best law enforcement group if not the best then the second best law group. #LonglifeGIGN
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« Last Edit: July 01, 2018, 04:39:12 am by StealthGamer »


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